Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Rough Two Days

As the title says, it has been crazy here. Ryan and I were able to help Jordan and Kevin on Monday by putting on crown molding on three of the four walls in the living room. The fourth wall has to wait due to some ceiling damage that they have to fix first. So, next we have to do the crown molding for the dining room for them. Ryan and I made a deal with Jordan though and offered to babysit her two dogs on Tuesday since she was off and wanted to work on the house all day with Kevin. Watching the dogs wasn't bad at all, but cleaning up after them seemed to be more of the challenge. Every time they had to go outside, I had to wipe Alexus's paws on the way back in and since she is so huge now it was like tackling a six year old! Then there was one time I was walking to the door to let her out and she just couldn't wait anymore. I cleaned that up, then Star went right in the middle of the living room and yeah Raider decided to mark too! Geez!! Talk about dog-piling. Ryan let Alexus on the patio all day when I was at work so when I got home, I had to give her a bath, which was really easy. She was calm and just stood there. I just didn't want to give her a bath when I got home from work.

I have finished painting one of my nightstands and the other one is now drying from the last coat of paint. Hmmmmm I don't know what else there is to say right now. I will post when I have something interesting!

Oh wait.....Mom and Dad will be here tomorrow night really late and then I get to see Sue and Justin on Friday! Woo Hooo!! This is going to be a great weekend even if I do have to work.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

One nightstand done

Today was great. Oringinally I was going to go out with an old friend from the dorms, but she got really busy with summer school finals. Instead I got to finish one of my nightstands. I covered up the inperfections with the same green paint I used on my headboard. It looks ok, but I think I might still have to work on the shape of the legs now. Ryan and I went grocery shopping too. We got a bunch of stuff to eat when Sue and Justin are here. Then we cooked and cleaned the house some more. Instead of doing all the cleaning the night before mom and dad and Sue and Justin come, I am trying to do it gradually. It is kinda working. Mom and Dad- you are going to be soo full when you leave my house after breakfast! I have so many things I want to cook. Tomorrow Ryan and Ihave plans to wake up at eight and go help Kevin and Jordan with their house. Ryan is going to bring his saw and cut the crown molding for them and I am going to help sand I believe. It is going to be great!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

This is Raider's new trick. We thought it would take him a while to get it, but he actually got it down in 30 minutes! Sorry if it isn't working. I am new at this so Ryan and I are still learning. :)

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I went to the movies!

Ryan took me out to the movies today! We went to see Cars, but saw The Breakup instead. We never go to movies anymore since it has gotten so expensive, so instead we went to a matnee. (sp?) I was off today so we got up early, watched the US World Cup game, took showers before they turned the water off again, ate lunch, then went to the movies. Afterward we stopped at Petsmart for a couple of fish and saw Star's twin! She even yipped the way Star does. I didn't get a lot done on the house, but you can't stay cooped up all the time right? This weekend I am going to go grocery shopping and get some breakfast food for Mom and Dad!!! Yeah! I am so excited to wake up and cook breakfast for them. I just hope that I pull myself out ofbed and make it to work that day. I need to call you Sue and see about when you and Justin will be coming in for sure for July 4. Right now I only have the 2 and3 off, but I really want to trade and have the 1 off too if you two will be coming in that day. That is it for now!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Oh and one more thing....Jordan found one of the creepy spiders at her house in this complex too. So, I guess it isn't just us! That is good news.

Another day at UMC

Today was unusual at work. The lights were out for the majority of making supper and trays. Of course they had beackup generators, but it didn't help the cooks with the stove and ovens. The lights were out becuase a transformer blew at the Tech side of UMC. The two are back to back, so it affected UMC. One side of the building is the hospital and the other side is the Tech Health Sciences Center. I can literally walk between the two. Anyway, it wasn't as bad as we thought although it was extremely HOT in the kitchen! We got rain tonight! A big storm came through and it was an amazing lightning storm. Ryan and I lit the candles, drank wine and opened up the blinds to watch the show. Tomorrow I am supposed to be off so Ryan and I are planning on going to help Jordan and Kevin with their house. They need to move in in 18 days and have a whole lot to do still before it is liveable. Ryan is going to hlep build cabinets, maybe an island and eventually an aquarium tank. Jordan has been really impressed with his carpentry so far and asked him to help them out since they are doing most of the repairing and remodeling to their rent house. That is it I guess. Night!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Bug Buster!

Star is officially our new Bug Buster! She reminds me of Abby with the way that she finds the bugs and stares or barks until you come see what she found. It is really great though! Last night she found a spider hiding by the fire place. Ryan was planning on sleeping on the couch last night, but when he saw the size of the spider, he cleaned off his bed really quick. Today we planned on waking up early, but didn't. Instead we slept in and then sprayed the whole house for bugs and spiders. In the morning, we are getting up and going to spray the outside. Nothing else really new. I am still cleaning up the house everyday. Now I know what it feels like to have room to do things, but I also know how it feels to have a house to clean constantly! I may not have little kids running around making messes, but it really seems to get messy quick!

Oh I got the last shot today for my Hepatitis B vaccination. It is kinda a funny story though. I told the nurse that I needed my third hep B shot and so she went to get the vacination. When she came back instead of giving me the Hep B, she did a TB test on me! (The one where she pricks you on the forearm and leaves an airbubble.) So I had to get pricked again for the Hep B shot. It was not fun! At least I am done with the shots for another three months. Or maybe it is six. I can't remember.

Off to bed. It is pretty early considering I have been going to bed at one or two, but I amstupposed to wake up early tomorrow and clean and spray! :) Have a great night and a good Hump Day.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Update on our critters...

Sue...this one is for you and Justin! Ryan and I have our internet working now so when we found another sun spider, we were able to look it up on the internet to check it out. According to some Aggies :) the spiders are not poisonous. Here is the whole site that we found most beneficial.
It is good to know that they might not react to pesticides!! That is bad! Anyway, they live in dry parts of the state or in desert areas....Lubbock. Read up if you are interested!

Ryan finished our bar today too! So when Sue and Justin are here I can serve drinks from it! :) It looks really great. We had some wine tonight! I will post a pic of it tomorrow.

I have Monday and Tueday off!! I really need hours, but I am so happy to have a break from that place. It seems like it has been caos lately. My plans for the day are go help Ryan move more stuff from his apt, bank, maybe the movies, stain nightstands, bathe the dogs, clean the house, etc...etc... You get the idea!

One more crazy thing....A girl started at work about two weeks ago and we started talking tonight about where we live. Turns out, she lived in the same apartments, same building as me at Trails!! We even met each other before because of our dogs! It took us to say our dogs names for it all to click! It was really funny though!

One more thing..Raider's daughter, Ebony, is pregnant! It isn't Raider's though!

Happy Father's Day to everyone...Dad, Billy, John, Toby, Justin, and I guess Ryan!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

My headboard is finished!

Ryan actually finished my headboard yesturday, but we were waiting for the glue to dry and everything else today. So, I actually moved my bed and bed frame all by myself tonight. Ryan was busy priming the bar so that it can be painted tomorrow and then we also have to do one more coat of stain on my nightstands. Then, I will put my own finishing touches on them, but I am not telling what that is. Basicly, we have way too many project still. I can name them except it would be boring to all you guys. Work was pretty good tonight though-no camplaints really! Yeah! Oh yeah and Ryan and I got a cheap supper tonight too! We placed a to go order and when we picked it up, the girl just handed it to me and went back to the back! I won't say what we did next, but we are college kids! :) Anyway, enjoy my pictures!!

It acutally looks the best in person....I guess that means you just have to come see it yourself!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Work was great!

Today started out great by sleeping in! I didn't sleep well the night before and then this morning when I woke up I thought it was about nine. It was actually eleven forty five!!! It felt so wonderful. Then I pretty much went to work where I was recognized for staying at work really late that one night when the dishwasher broke and we had to rinse the dishes with a hose! Pat gave all the girls who stayed and helped a plastic box full of candy. Oh yeah and it was also employee appreciation day, so I got a free hamburger and hotdog. That is what Ryan andIhad for supper since he was working on the bar all afternoon and I didn't want to cook. Surprisingly after I ate, I layed down to watch tv and crashed again!! I slept for two hours on the chair! I didn't even know I was that tired! Now I am cleaning the house some more. Ryan isn't finished with my headboard just yet, but he does have two of the four boards on it. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to post a picture of my bed, headboard and new nightstands! Hope your day was as great as mine!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The last two days have been great! I was off Monday and Tuesday so Ryan and I got a lot done. As you already know he is building me a headboard and we ran into a stopping point today while we were waiting for all the stain to dry so that we could put on polyurethane. Anyway, today I cooked a great supper for him in appreciation. I made chicken enchiladas with a creamy kinda sour cream sauce. They were good or at least I thought so. Jordan brought her dogs over again and we all hung out. She is having bad roomate problems now. I feel really bad for her because I know how it feels but that makes it even easier to say, "Yes, come over and eat or just hang out over here until Kevin gets home." Plus Ryan loves Callie and Raider loves playing with Alexus. They all get worn out and sleep really hard so that is the bonus! I am pretty worn out too from today's activities. I guess I will post some pictures of things once I get them!

Monday, June 12, 2006

ann always finds ways to keep me busy

so yesterday ann was pondering how to decorate her bedroom, and she mentioned that she would like a headboard on her bed since it's just a metal bed frame. so we came up with a plan, went today to buy materials, and we have most of it constructed. we're taking pictures throughout the process so everyone can see it from start to finish. i know it doesn't look like much right now, but it will when we're done. we've attached it to the wall and will set the bed in front of it. right now i'm just waiting for the wood filler to dry where we counter-sunk the screws that hold it to the wall, and we'll put the primer coat on tonight and paint tomorrow.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Before I go to bed...

I thought I would put a couple of pictures up before I go to bed. I am really exctied and glad that my computer works now as you can tell! I had so many pictures to download and get off of the camera so that I could take some more. Anyway, here are a few.

This one is at work. Our dishwasher broke last Sunday so we had to rinse all of the food off of the dishes and then all kinds of other stuff. Mom knows the is really long. The dark hair on the right is Jordan and then on one on the left is Meagan. By the job normally is not THIS glamorous! ;) Seriously, this is not a daily thing I have to do.

The white dog is Alexus. She is Jordan and Kevin's dog, a great prurinese(sp?). Star hates her! It is so funny though because she Star shows her teeth all the time and Alexus just barks back and wants to play! Callie(Jordan's westie-chiuaua? mix) and Star act like two little Princesses or Queen Bees together. They are so funny! Neither of them will play with Raider and Alexus, but they are just now starting to play with each other.

This one is Callie. Here she is giving Ryan kisses. Ryan likes Callie so much that he calls her his other girlfriend and asks when Callie is going to come over to play again. He sounds like a little kid right? It is too cute though!

Ok, Have a good night!! :) Or better yet have a great Sunday!

Computer trouble

I gave Ryan a job today.....fix my computer! It started yesturday pretty much when we copied all of my pictures and documents to cds just to be safe. Before we knew it, I couldn't even open internet explorer to download a new Norton Antivirus! I am not sure what I had, but my computer would not do anything and it was gradually getting worse. So, he had to wipe out my hard drive and do system recovery or something. It basicly started my computer up like brand new.

Ryan and I found a little problem with our house last night....scorpians!!! It was only two small ones and then one larger one outside, but still that is not cool. We bought some spray and foggers and I think our pest control man is coming on Monday, so we have a lot to do. Ryan has to check my bed everynight!! hehe Sounds like me paranoid of roaches right?? Those are pretty bad outside but we are getting them under control I think. So, that is our next challenge.

About the old roommates....apparently they know where we live. I guess I mentioned itonce and they stuck to it or overheard us talking. I left them a note at the apartment with the amount they owed me for the last electric bill and said I would be back on Saturday. Amber took the time to get the checks together and drop them in our little mail drop while Ryan was here. She didn't knock though, of course, too scared. I deposited the checks today! yeah! Oh yeah then she was all nice and friendly on the note. Called me girly and put a cute little smiley. Really sarcastic or just being nice? You choose.

So, I know this is pretty long and all, but I have a lot I have not been able to put. It is nice to type on here again! Type to you guys again soon!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Ryan and I finally have internet on my computer! Yeah! Now he has to check it out for spyware. I have never had anything pop up about it, so before I check my personal stuff I am making him download a spyware blocker. For now I am washing clothes and trying to keep our house clean though. We got our leaked fixed, the ceiling re-textured and everything repainted in that area. Gradually we are finishing all of our furniture. I still have no dresser and I am using one of Ryan's tables right now for a desk, but I have all my clothes organized in totes for now. As long as I am out of my apartment, I am fine with boxes and totes everywhere for now! Work is going pretty good too. I have been going in early a couple of days to get more hours. We finally have a full staff too! We hired about three or four new people so that makes everyone happier there. Back to cleaning, I just wanted to let you all know I got the internet.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Really quick

I don't have much time becuase Ryan needs his computer and I have to get back to the house to change fro work. ANyway, here are just a couple of pictures of our house and the things we hvae been going through. Enjoy!!

This is in our kitchen. We had a leak and they finally figured out it was the sink in my bathroom. SO, here is the construction part of it!