Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A calmer day

Ok, I might have been a little bit steamed yesterday when I wrote my post, so I deleted it. I did say things that I needed to say to someone, but I know Ryan gets an earfull from work and home. Anyway, I got my venting out and today I deleted it just in case certain people were to have found my blog address. Last night we did come to an agreement though and we will see how long it lasts.
Work today was terribel again. There is a position available and I am not sure if I should interview for it or not. I really like the job that I am doing now and the hours I am working so i am not sure if I want to mess that all up; even if some of the people can be too much! The job is as a diet technician. Before you can be a diet tech you have to be a hostess, which I am now. Pat, my boss, needs to know who is interested in the position by the end of the week. It would be even more great experience for me, but as I said before I am a little shacky on changing times and everything. I would really like to be a supervisor eventually because then I could get better pay too. As a diet tech, I would get the same pay as a hostess though. Basicly, I have to weigh out my options!! Wish me luck!
Tonight after the crazy night that I had at work, Ryan called me and told me he was at the park with star and raider. By the time I got there it was already getting dark, but we were able to walk around and play for thirty or forty five minutes before it was too dark. Then, we spent about an hour trimming Star's fur because there was burrs everywhere!!! We gave both of them a bath and here I am now! Star's haircut looks hilarious though. At first Ryan just cut her legs so she looked like a watermelon with legs. I convinced him to cut more though and he cut her entire body more evenly, but left her head!! Now she has a mushroom head!! It cracks me up.
Bedtime for me now. I have things to catch up on and things to get ahead on for my big trip home!! See you soon!

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