Saturday, October 21, 2006

Same old and work

Yup, that is all I have been doing. Right now I am at a point where I am so sick of the people that I work with that I am ready to quit. Actually next semester I will have classes MWF from 3:005:00 and then on TR from 4:00-5:00. THat means I will only be able to work from Friday Saturday and Sunday, but unfortunately everyone else is taking the same classes sine we are all nutrition majors and will all need to work those days. I could come in early, but everyone else would need to too or I could supervise, but then of course there is at least one other superviser taht is taking these classes too! ANyway, the basis of that is I might have to find something else to do. A big reason I am working there to begin with is the internship, but now I really don't think I am gong to do that right out of college, so it doesn't benefit me working there so much. I am sure all of this is gibberish to a lot of you guys, but believe me Mom has heard all about it lately! :) Love you MOm!!

Other than that I am studying like crazy for classes. I didn't do too good on my BIochem test this time around so I am already preparing for the next. The bad news is I don't have to have just this semester of the class. I have to take the second part next semester and it is only going to get harder, plus they are changing the teacher to make it even harder.

Ryan and I have found some new things to do around the house though that make us laugh and de-stress a little bit. We are still riding bikes. Plus, I play hide and seek with Raider everynight before I go to bed. Then there is the new game-Hut Hut. Ryan stands infront of me in the kitchen with his back facing me holding Star or Raider between his legs. When I say hut hut, he slides them to me. It is so hilarious!! We don't do it all the time since they don't like it, but just when we need an extra laugh!

Today I am off, but not without a fight or two. I was scheduled to be off since I worked all week, but people are having problems with it now and complaining a lot. To me it is all fair since I have worked there the longest and am still doing trayline. The two that are having problems with me are doing to easy jobs and smaller floors. Anyway, I have gotten a lot done already today and still have over half the day left! Yeah! I hope all you guys are as productive as me today!

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