Wednesday, January 24, 2007

As I sit eating pineapple....

I figured if I was going to take a break from studying, it might as well be to inform everyone what is going on with us... Work and school are exhausting me and Ryan's classes are wearing him down too. I stay on campus usually from 8:00A until 5:00P Monday and Wednesday. Than I try to cook, clean the dishes and study. Tonight is no different. Tuesdays and Thursdays I have been supervising, so I get to work about noon and stay until eight. On fridays I haev class until noon, then I go to wrok. So, basicly, I feel like I have no free time. Saturday I go to work at 3:00 and then Sunday I am there at 12:00 again. Yuck. I love supervising, but I though working less days would be better for me, but right now it seems so rushed. Do you think stress or just rush? Ryan has been reading a lot lately. His classes are reading intensive and since it hurts his eyes to read from the computer, he has been having to print out a majority of his material. Yesterday he spent half the day just trying to fix his new printer and it still isn't working right.

The squirrel has been taunting the dogs again. This afternoon it was just sitting in our tree making weird noises, while the dogs sat at the window fussing. It can get really annoying when I am studying though. Raider hasn't learned any new tricks. I am still working on getting him to "sing".

The weather is finally warming up and getting comfy....oh but wait....yup...another artic front for us??? Snow???!! Yeah. They are talking about another front this coming week and possibly snow again. I am getting used to driving in it now, so that is good. We didn't get as much snow here last weekend as they were projecting. It was mostly ice and sleet that made everything slushy druing the day and then icy at night. Raider still had fun playing in it.
Time to get back to studying and other school work!

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