Monday, May 08, 2006

No more Finals!

I am finally finished with finals for this semester. I don't know why but this past week has gone by sooo slow and it has been torture for me! I will recap just a bit...Monday: drive, project, sleep. Tuesday: study, work, sleep,
Wednesday: study, work, sleep,
Thursday: Study, final, work, study, sleep
Friday: Study, work, study, study, sleep
Saturday: Study, final, sleep, work, break from studying
Sunday: study, work, study, sleep
Monday: study, final, PLAY TIME!!!
You can tell why I am just pretty crashed with school. That was the whole basis to my post before this when I didn't want to do anything!! After my final today I had fun though-grocery shopping. Then I took Raider to get a new toy. I bought him a Hedge Hodge that kinda purrs or growls instead of squeeking. He really loves it! I took him to the park then to run a little, but I should have known that all he wants to do is mark his territory. Either way, it wore him out and got him out of my bedroom for a change.
Since school is over now, I hope to work on my scrapbook more and then some paintings too for our house. Also, I am trying to clean out things so that when we do move, it will be easier. Another thought has come to mind that I might try to find another part time job. It could be nice to have extra money over the summer. I really don't want to pick up more hours at the hospital now because then I would work the morning shift. The morning crew is not nice at all and they take advantage of you. Plus, it is just too long of a shift for me-6:00 AM to 2:30 PM. I did it once and I hated it. Anyway, right now it is jsut a thought in the back of my mind so I will see what happens. WOW!! I am going to bed now! I don't have to study!! I can sleep in too to catch up on all the rest I have lost! Night.

1 comment:

Justin and Susie said...

Yahoo! That is the BEST feeling when you know you are done with school!