Sunday, August 27, 2006

Quick Catch up!

Not too much new around here. Friday Ryan had fun taking care of me and Mom and Sue got a call from me! I smashed my finger at work and I couldn't get it to stop throbbing still six hours after I did it!! Ouch! Luckily, I don't think I will have to have it drained, buddy wrapping it was just enough to get through it all.

School starts tomorrow. Ryan is already asleep and I will be heading there soon. I have class from ten til twelve. Not bad at all. Plus I am off tomorrow, so that gives me some time to get a parking permit and look into my books that I need.

Here is a quick pic of the new Wal Mart. I am really impressed. It does not look like all the other ones I have seen!


Justin and Susie said...

That is cool looking! Good luck tomorrow! :) Glad your finger is ok!

grandma' place said...

Just now catching up on the news. I hope this week has gone well. Tomorrow is Friday!!!