Thursday, August 10, 2006

Worst Haircut Ever!

Ryan and I gave Raider and Star haircuts yesturday. As you can see by the picture, Raider's looks good, but Ryan wacked at Star a little too much! Her hair is soooo short on the sides that you can actually see her skin! I thought about taking her to a groomer and get it fixed, but I am not sure they could fix it.

Raider and I have a nightly ritual now-hide and seek. It is so funny, and he knows when we are about to go to bed, that it is time to play his game. I tell him to sit and stay, then I go hide. When I say come find me, he runs from my room to Ryan's room looking. It is hilarious! Ryan tried to hide last night for him, but Raider was confused and was jumping at me like," I found you I found you!"

We got a lot done again on my day off yesturday. Ryan turned in his keys at the apartment, we got my oil changed and his car inspected, cut the dogs' hair, then I cooked supper. Man I love my days off!!


Justin and Susie said...

Very cute pic of you and Raider!

grandma' place said...

Loved the picture of you and Raider. Haven't heard from you lately. Will need to cal you tomorrow morning. love mom