Sunday, December 31, 2006

Christmas Recap

Alright, so our whole trip home started with a long 12 hour drive home Friday. It was nice taking a different route, but never again. Ryan decided to take interstate all the way to Houston and it was my fault for not saying no. We got to see new scenery though.
Then on Saturday we spent the day with Ryan's sister and his nieces at his parent's house. We got great gifts of which was an awesome red Artisan Kitchenaid mixer!!! Ryan was laughing at me because I named it Foxy!!

Helping Lance and Garrett open their new toy...

Sunday was our family Christmas with Amanda, Billy, Sue, Justin and the boys. Tons of fun there! Lance and Garrett are so adorable. Dad was taking his yearly nap on the recliner, snoring and Garrett started mimicing him!! Hilarious! Lance decided to tickle him to get him to stop. I guess that the kids job to pester dad while he is napping has been passed onto the grandkids now. Ryan and I got good gifts there too. Santa brought us pjs and these awesome glasses that we had picked out at Aunt Mary's. They are a contemporary cczech crystal champagne glass. I will post a picture of them. We each got 6!! Wow...I guess I should use them for toasting New Year's tonight. Ryan also got me a new cell phone which I have been needing terribly. I have a razor!! We are going to leave in a little while and go to the mall so I am going to see if I can get a new skin for it maybe. Oh and Garrett and Lance got a tickle me Elmo from santa too. Garrett was trying to pick it up everytime it would fall on his back to laugh and Lance was tackling Elmo!
I will stop there. I will have to do a part two like Dee did.
Lance tackling Elmo.

All of us in our new PJ's.

Friday, December 29, 2006

I need an opinion...

I know it might be hard to see since it is night, but I just wondered if you guys saw anything funny about this tree.

just to say I am alive!

So I know I have a lot I need to write and post on here, but for now I will just give a quick recap of today important happenings. For starters, we did make it home ok tonight. After stopping to see Oma and Opa we made it home about six thirty. We left our heater on 70 when we left just in case we had a cold front come through while we were gone, but when we got home our house was reading in at 56 degrees! Basicly we are under a snow advisory without our heater working. The repair man just made it here to work on the problem. We are thinking he was watching the exciting Tech game too and that is what too him so long to answer the call. Which, by the way, I hope at least some of you got to see clips of our game tonight. We came back from a 7 to 38 deficit to win in overtime. It is a bowl game record for largest comeback to win. In the first half of the game Ryan and I were both ready to just turn off the tv and throw the remote into the fire. Luckily we didn't and were able to see the fantastic second half. I will stop there and finish unpaking. More to come tomorrow and the following days.....

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Getting ready for our trip

It appears that I am better or getting better. Finally!! I can't believe that Christmas is so close. I have not started packing yet for home, so that means that I will be doing it all tonight in a rush. I did get some clothes washed though since I had to call in to work yesturday. Too bad I didn't wait and get sicker today so that I could have come home a day earlier. Anyway, I was worse yesturday and after having a while day at home sitting on my rear and taking meds, I am great. Hopefully it stays this way! I will have to bring my meds home though just to make sure I don't need them or to make sure Ryan doesn't need them. Gotta fix lunch so that I can get to work and train.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Got any home remedies?

So, it is 6:45 right now and I have been up since 4:00 with my stuffy nose and sore throat. I have tried all kinds of juices, medicines and bath soaks to get rid of this cold, but none of it is helping! I have been trying to get sleep and rest to get over it, but I can't sleep because I can't breathe and my throat hurts so bad. Once the day gets started, about mid afternoon, I feel fine, then at night it starts all over. Bsicly, does anyone have any ideas that I have not tried yet? I want to fell better before our big trip home, but it is not looking good since I work all day today, Wednesday and Thursday. Hopefully you guys have more ideas! Thanks!

Oh and we had lots of blowing wind and sounded like freezing rain last night. I thought that it was going to break my window!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

I survived!!

That's right I survived finals without a mental breakdown and I was able to pass all of my classes!! Woo Hoo!! I have been really busy the past couple of days now trying to catch up on my sleep. Plus, Wednesday night a couple of the girls went out for a drink to celebrate the end of biochem. Ryan came with me too and we had a lot of fun. Last night I had friends over here for our Christmas party. Several people couldn't come that I would have liked to be here, but it was still a ton of fun with the girls that were able to make it. We had plenty of food, lots of drinks and games. Ryan was downstairs for a while with us and I think he even had a good time with a bunch of girls! He showed us how to take a Root Beer slammer. I am sure they are really good, but my friends were not impressed by it. I will post a picture of us taking them when Jordan sends them to me.

Only a week more until Ryan and I drive home! Yeah. I have a lot to do now in this next week and I will have less time actually since I wil be training on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 12:30 to 8:00. It is going to be challenging but well worth it when I get to see the family!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

new furniture

i got tired of our old pawn shop coffee table that i refinished, so i decided to build a coffee table and matching end tables. i just got done with the last of the clear polyurethane today, and i'll start staining the end tables sometime later this week, but i figured i'd put a picture of the coffee table on here.

Anyone in the mood for a mental breakdown??

I think I am headed straight for one today! Last night I studied biochem with some friends and then came home and stayed up until two thirty studying for my stats final that was today. Well, as I have said before my teacher is a complete moron and was not even there for the final! We were supposed to be able to start the test at ten thirty, but there was all kind of confusion waiting for him to get there and then after about fifteen minutes lost, the other teacher decided to give us the exam....since they wre all the same anyway. Needless to say our teacher neveer even showed up plus there was problems on the test that didn't even have enough information to solve it the way they wanted to sovled. So, I guessed probably on about fifty percent of the test or maybe a little bit more. One of my friends and I are going to complain about the teacher and the class to the head of the math department if we do not pass the class. It was a simple and easy A class, but he refused to answer easy questions that were pertinant to our success.

Now though I am studying for biochem again. I just found out that I am upset with this teacher too! He did not use the book to teach Fatty acid synthesis, he just made power points for it. That would be fine except that he just put the chemical structure and did not even give words to explain the process! I am so frustrated right now with teachers that I feel like my head is going to explode!!

Did I mention I can't wait for tomorrow to be over with!? Even more I can't wait to drive home and see everyone oh and to make goodies with Sue! :) Hopefully Mom will be able to help too and Dad won't get too grumpy with the dirty dishes!

I hope you guys are having a fantastic Tuesday! Hopefully tomorrow afternoon I will be able to post a cheery and christmas-y note! This is just what is going on right now with me. I know you have all been here. Can I hear some of your final horror stories?

Sunday, December 10, 2006

What's new with you?

I have nothing too new going on here. Just a bunch of studying. I had today off and I know I spent pretty much all of it reading and studying, but I just can't figure out what else I did. My house shows no proof of me having a day to rest and clean. I hate that! Ryan and I did try to make some new sugar cookies we saw on tv last night. We will have to bake them tomorrow though since the dough took a while tonight. I guess since I have nothing else new I thought someone else might have bigger and better things to say! I will have something to say noce I take my finals and see the final grade. I am not sure if it will be something good to say or really bad though!

I have to say I am jealous of Sue for being finished with all of this. Oh and I am looking foward to Friday. All of my friends from work are comning over for a Christmas party. It will be tons of fun. Plus, I get to have the house decorated fantasticly! One of my friends might actually come over that day before and help decorate more!! hehe We both love Christmas!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Just can't wait anymore...

I just wanted to let everyone know that after waiting for about five long months for my promotion at work...I finally am going to be trained this month to supervise!!! I won't be able to supervise all the time, but when I do it will be for more hours in a day(8) and then less days since I will be getting more hours. Plus I get a pay raise!!! Again!! Not too much of an increase, but enough to make me stop grumbling. MOre good news....I will be home for Christmas! My boss was able to work out the schedule to where I will be home for a week. Better get ready Mom....Raider, Taco AND Daisy in the house....that could be fun! :) Anyway, I need to rest so that I can study tomorrow. Night!

Monday, December 04, 2006

While I am running out the door...

Ryan and I are on our way out but I figured while he is finishing his video game, I could say hi. I am still surviving the cold here. If you can believe it, we still have snow and ice in some places here from Thursday. Actually yesturday Ryan had to push me out of a parking spot that had ice about an inch thick where I parked. I thought it was pretty funny....payback from Thursday when he got us stuck maybe? Anyway, I will try and post some pics from the weekend with mom and dad. I had fun with them even if it was a quick trip. Oh and I have two finals tomorrow too. Definitely won't be up all night studying, but until a good hour. Post again later.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Snow Storm

Well the snow started last night around 11:00, and when we woke up this morning at about 7:00 it was still coming down pretty heavy. It snowed pretty steady until about noon, then stopped for a while, and Ann just called me and said it's starting to snow some more on campus. We took Raider for a walk this morning, he just loves the cold for some reason. It was REALLY cold this morning. It was about 13 degrees with a wind chill of about -5 or so. We could see traffic on Indiana Avenue from our front yard so we figured the ice on the roads would be melted down from all the cars, so we went out for a drive to get some pictures, and the roads were still really icy. We got to the light at 50th street and traffic was stopped, and when we tried to go again, my car just slid down into the curb and we were stuck there for about 30 minutes until the police drove by and helped us. There was an SUV in front of us that was stuck and a couple cars behind us. After they pushed us out, it took about an hour to get back home. We were only about 2 miles from the house, but since the roads were so icy, we had to stay in the center of the road and make left turns only to avoid sliding down the slope towards the gutter again. We literally had to drive halfway around the southwest side of town just to stay on roads that were in decent enough shape for us to drive on and make left-hand turns. Here are some pictures, I'm sure Ann will make some CD's and bring them home for at the end of December to show everyone.


Monday, November 27, 2006

Lightning Storm

(by Ryan)

Tonight we decorated the house a bit, put up some lights outside, and about an hour or so after we got done a lightning storm came through that lasted about 30 minutes or so. I stood by the sliding door of my bedroom with my camera to get some short video clips of the lightning, and decided to step outside on the balcony to pick up some of the sound. There were a couple pretty good flashes and you could hear the thunder and everything, and then this one lightning bolt struck pretty close and was REALLY bright. The video doesn't do it much justice. We were able to pause the video and watch it in small increments, and we were able to pause it during the strike, and one frame right after and the whole area we live in was so well lit you'd think it was recorded in the middle of the day. I still see the lightning strike in pretty good detail when I close my eyes and I took this video about 30 minutes ago. There are some buildings across an empty lot in front of our house, they're probably 200 feet or so away from where I was recording, and the 3 other video clips I got you could clearly see the lightning strike several miles behind those buildings, but this one clip you can actually see the lightning bolt in FRONT of them. What's strange is that the sound doesn't come until a second or two after the strike. I guess we'll go out in the morning and check to see if it really did strike in that field right across the road, but I'm thinking it has to be some sort of optical illusion. I just can't think of any other way you can explain the lightning bolt appearing in front of those buildings. Those of you who have been to our house know how close they are. I uploaded the video to YouTube, I'll try to post it in this message, but if for some reason it won't play you can just go to this link to watch it:

ok i was finally able to isolate the frames showing the lightning strike and then the flash of light afterwards and make jpegs out of them.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I got into a baking mood this morning. I made these cute little cookies, an apple pie and almost made a pecan. But I decided that it could save that for another day when I need some sugar!! Yesterday I also made pumpkin bread for Ryan and I.

Ryan and I had our first Thanksgiving by ourselves yesterday. It was nice. I missed the family, but it was different just to cook for us and then relax before I went to work. Once it came time to go to work, I really regreted that I had switched with Danielle to work on Thanksgiving. It would have been nice just to take a nap with Ryan. He was sleeping with Star when I left. I cooked a big lunch for us though-Turkey, Mom's sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing and cresent rolls. It was really great, so great that Ryan actually ate leftovers today!!! That NEVER happens. Ryan wasn't too happy that I made him take a shower and get dressed to eat lunch with me, but I wanted to take some pictures.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Thanksgiving Blues

This is a picture from Saturday night. Lauren had a party at her apartment with all the girls.

As you all know, Ryan and I will be spending Thanksgiving here at home. Thankfully we will be able to see his family this weekend when we drive to Stamford though. I can't decide if I want to try to cook a turkey or just buy this turkey meatloaf thing I have bought before. Plus as of right now we havn't finalized our plans. We have invites to go to a work friend's house, Jordan's house because her fiance has to work, or just cook here for Ryan and I. I do have a menu planned though for whereever we go!! I have to work at night so for lunch Ryan and I plan on making green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, stuffing(from a package) and then somekind of pie. I am not sure how much Ryan is going to eat of the sweet potatoes, but those are a favorite of mine since mom always makes them! :) I hope everyone else has a great Thanksgiving and I can't wait until Christmas!! I still won't be able to see some of you, but at least I will be able to drive home.

Ryan and I have started Raider on a "diet". First plan-take him to the lake or for a walk everyday. Second-weight loss food. Third-read the book I got today at the vet!!! The book is about you and your pet losing weight and staying healthy together. It was free and the recetionist insisted I take more than one. So, I took one for Taco too!! hehe Mom already knows about it.

About the lake-Star loves going!! There are so many geese and ducks out right now and Star will run up and down the shore chasing, barking, and hoping in the air to try to catch them. It is soo funny. We have a video to show, but I haven't uploaded it yet. Yesturday their undersides were completely covered in mud and yuck from playing by the lake. I felt bad though because every two feet they got stickers in their paws. Ryan and I ended up carrying them.

This is when Star was running after them.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Chunky Butt dog is a chunky butt. He weights 20 lbs!!! When we got him fixed this summer he was only weighing 14. That is a lot of weight in a little amount of time. I might actually take him to the vet to get his nails trimmed and other things soon and aske them how I can bring his weight down. He is really cute chunky, but I want him to be around for a long time and all that fat isn't going to help him with that. He can still jump though....onto the bed, into my lap as I am studying, just about anywhere. That is good news!

I hurt myself last night at work. Our carts that I have to push are pure stainless steel and really heavy. Several of them need new wheels or just need to be replaced, but the hospital won't do it. Anyway, I had one of the bad carts last night and when I tried to back up to let a patient by, it would not budge. Finally with a hard pull, it suddenly moved and rolled right over my foot; not the wheel. The cart caught me foot underneath it, flexed! Since I couldn't keep my balance then because it kept on rolling, I fell down to the ground and stopped it with my body!! It sounds pretty bad and funny, but luckily it really only hurt my ankle. I made a report about it just in case I have problems in the future with it, but now it is fine still.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Finally cold weather!

Well, as the title says, we finally have some cold weather. Yesturday with the high winds, the news was saying it felt like it was in the single digits! I was able to wear my fabulous new jacket that the Quala and Randy sent me early for Christmas. Just about all the girls in my classes yesturday loved it! Last night we had our fireplace going as Ryan and Allison were watching tv and I was studying for a test today. ( still not ready for it) I have come to a stopping point this semester where I just don't want to do anymore school work. I have to force myself to study and to do my assignments it seems. Usually I do better when I study with a friend, so I have been trying to do that a lot lately.

I was off yesturday so we went to Target. They have puppy winter clothes in their dollar spot. There are cute reindeer costumes and snowmen outfits, but the cutest I saw was snow jackets for the dogs. Needless to say....I bought one and hence the following picture. Star has one too that matches but was too stubborn to take a picture. There wasn't any booties to match though! ;(

Friday, November 10, 2006

A really great movie...

I am sure all of you are going to think it is a grown up movie that I love so much. The truth is though...I love Cars!! Ryan and I finally watched it and it is soo cute! Not only is it a little cute movie for kids, but it has adult humor in it to. I only hope that Disney and Pixar can keep making movies like it for my kids someday! Ok...I really have to go to bed. It is One thirty and I know I am going to be up this late or later tomorrow night too!! Have a great weekend everyone!

Monday, November 06, 2006

New Roommate

It's official....Ryan and I are going to have a new roommate in January. His sister, Allison, will be moving up here to go to PT school at Tech. It will be nice to have cheaper rent! :) She was here this weekend to meet with an advisor and brought some clothes and shoes with her to put in the closet. So, that pretty much made it official. It also made for a busy weekend. Since last Sunday was Ryan's birthday and my friend's birthday, I promised her I would go out with her on Friday( the 3) wherever she wanted to go. It turned out to be a lot of fun! A lot of us girls went out together and met up with another friend, her boyfriend and her parents! They were so much fun though. Her dad was out on the dancefloor with us shaking his booty! Plus, it is fantastic going out when you are 21!! I was pretty tired for the game then on Saturday, but made it there and then to work.

I also have been studying for a biochem test while all of that was going on. I was off yesturday and spent a good protion of the day studying. I thought I knew it all, but he put exactly what he told us not to study on the test. Therefore, I am not looking foward to seeing that grade tomorrow!

Ryan had big plans for today too....a root canal! About a week or two ago one of his fillings fell out. Turns out that there was still more dcaying tooth under the filling and caused it to pop off. At least that is waht I think. Anyway, he went today to get the root canal done, but they actually had to just pull the tooth. According to the doctor, the decay was all the way down to his jaw bone. It is really cool though because the doctor put small bone particals down in the hole that will heal and form into his jaw bone to fix the part they had to remove. Once that is all healed and set(a couple of months) then he will be able to get Ryan a permenant tooth. I was pretty amazed. I am sure Ryan could explain it better, but he will probably come on the blog and fix this before you all read it anyway.

Other than that stuff, we have a messy house, no food and I don't have time to do anything about it! :) Just kidding...we are great!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Sweet, Vonage

We saw an ad in the paper this past weekend that Circuit City is having a special on Vonage phone service, so I went by there today while Ann was at work and signed up and they activated it in the store and everything. Our handsets need to charge overnight, but we have phone service at the townhouse now. It got to be such a hassle using just our cell phones. If we wanted to make a call, we'd have to try to remember where we put our phone last, and if someone called we'd have to run upstairs or downstairs to find the phone before voicemail picked up. Ann will email everyone with the phone number sometime tonight.

Since Vonage gets phone access through the internet, we were able to choose any area code we want, so I figured since we both have family in the Wharton area I'd choose a Wharton number (they didn't have East Bernard or El Campo for 979). And the cool thing about Vonage is that since it gets access through the internet, we can take the phone adapter anywhere we can hook it up to high speed internet and hook a phone up to it. So if for some reason we had to move, we don't have to have the phone company do anything with our phone service, we just take the adapter with us and when we get internet, hook the phone back up and have a dial tone.

Sunday, October 29, 2006


We got a pumpkin from Market Street last week and decided this afternoon that we wanted to carve it. Ryan saw a picture online that gave him an idea, so we have a puking pumpkin with a hangover. now we just need to find a couple empty beer cans to put next to him. Star and Raider were unsure about the pumpkin at first, but after they got a taste they kept coming back for more. Ryan got the bright idea to put pumpkin guts on Star's back, and instead of acting prissy about it, she was turning around trying to eat them off of her back.
It is Ryan's birthday today, so we are going out to eat at Joe's. We spent all day just hanging out together and it was great. I hope he had as much fun as I did. We went by Kohl's and I bought some flannel sheets for my bed so I will be warm now. When he saw the fall decorations at the store, he decided he wanted to decorate our house some, so we ended up buying some amber candle holders and fall leaves to put ontop of the entertainment center. After supper we might run by Wal-Mart too and get a wreath for the front door. I love having a roommate that loves to decorate for the season as much as I do!!!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

They blew the game....

That is right. The referees in the Tech game tonight blew the game. I was really excited to go and even more so that in the first half we were ahead 21-0!!!! It was incredible, but too good to be true. The referees kept on making calls in favor of UT and making up crap that really didn't happen. All in all it was a good game, even if we should have won. Ryan is cracking me up though. He keeps making comments like, "Why does my butt hurt so bad??? Oh wait, that's right the refs f***ed us in the butt!!!" I think it is funny.
I was off today for the game so I slept in. I have not been sleeping good at all and last night I finally slept hard! Since I have been cold in my bed, I slept on the couch and was more comfortable and warm. Tomorrow I am going to but some flannel sheets though. My plain jane cotton ones are not keeping me warm!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The family keeps on growing!

Yup, that is right...another Heimann. Gabriel Andrew was born today in Missoula, Montana. I heard he is too cute! I can't wait to see the pictures of the newest addition! For now though, I have to get some sleep. Night guys! Congrats to the happy new parents! We miss you guys.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Toliet Explosion!

Tuesday night I was going to take a bath, so I started the water running in the bathtub to warm it up. I went to the bathroom and then noticed a different running water sound than usual from the tub. Next, I felt water under my feet! The water wasn't coming from the toliet bowl(I didn't do anything to make it get clogged!!!) and it wasn't coming from the water line. I started yelling for Ryan, who is downstairs sleeping on the couch alredy. Luckily he woke up and started running upstairs and stumbled on the way! It was so funny! Anyway he turned off the water since I had no idea how to and then got towels to soak up the water. We couldn't determine where the water came from though. When we turned the water back on it was working fine.

We had the maintence guy come look at it and he didn't see anything wrong. SO Ryan looked and saw that the hose inside the tank was pointed straight to the top of the tank. Everytime you would flush the water shot up it the lid and then splattered out the side of the tank. He learned this the hard way while the tank ws open.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Same old and work

Yup, that is all I have been doing. Right now I am at a point where I am so sick of the people that I work with that I am ready to quit. Actually next semester I will have classes MWF from 3:005:00 and then on TR from 4:00-5:00. THat means I will only be able to work from Friday Saturday and Sunday, but unfortunately everyone else is taking the same classes sine we are all nutrition majors and will all need to work those days. I could come in early, but everyone else would need to too or I could supervise, but then of course there is at least one other superviser taht is taking these classes too! ANyway, the basis of that is I might have to find something else to do. A big reason I am working there to begin with is the internship, but now I really don't think I am gong to do that right out of college, so it doesn't benefit me working there so much. I am sure all of this is gibberish to a lot of you guys, but believe me Mom has heard all about it lately! :) Love you MOm!!

Other than that I am studying like crazy for classes. I didn't do too good on my BIochem test this time around so I am already preparing for the next. The bad news is I don't have to have just this semester of the class. I have to take the second part next semester and it is only going to get harder, plus they are changing the teacher to make it even harder.

Ryan and I have found some new things to do around the house though that make us laugh and de-stress a little bit. We are still riding bikes. Plus, I play hide and seek with Raider everynight before I go to bed. Then there is the new game-Hut Hut. Ryan stands infront of me in the kitchen with his back facing me holding Star or Raider between his legs. When I say hut hut, he slides them to me. It is so hilarious!! We don't do it all the time since they don't like it, but just when we need an extra laugh!

Today I am off, but not without a fight or two. I was scheduled to be off since I worked all week, but people are having problems with it now and complaining a lot. To me it is all fair since I have worked there the longest and am still doing trayline. The two that are having problems with me are doing to easy jobs and smaller floors. Anyway, I have gotten a lot done already today and still have over half the day left! Yeah! I hope all you guys are as productive as me today!

Monday, October 16, 2006

This is all that I have been doing the past couple of days. Me sitting on the couch or chair reading and studying biochem and Raider right ontop of me somehow. He has always helped me study, ever since he was a puppy. I think it is really cute, but it didn't help my luck this time. My biochem test today was the HARDEST test I have EVER taken. I am not over-reacting either. The whole class thought so. Anyway, I am not done with the books just yet for this week. I have my other test Wednesday so I will study really hard again tomorrow night. Right now I am off to bed since I just finished my assignment for tomorrow and I have to be up at about six. Last week and this week have been really bad with assignments and tests. Next week I have another test too. At least I will have Saturday off to study for that one though.

Ryan and I have been continuing our bike riding. Yesturday we rode three miles. He was trying to get me to de-stress and unwind from all the studying. Of course, it worked. It added to the fun having to dodge rain puddles since it had rained all day and Lubbock doesn't have a drainage system! I had to make sure I was not near a low spot when a car drove by so I would not get soaked.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Who has a minute?

I sure don't! Things have been crazy at our house. Quala, Randy and ALlison were here this past weekend and we all went to the football game. Tech sucked it up realllly bad, but we all had fun going together. We also got to see Ryan's aunt, uncle and cousins. As soon as they left, I started studying and have not stopped. I don't have tests this week; just a BUNCH of assignments everyday. I do have tests next week though that I am preparing for-Biochem and Stats. My stats teacher is a total moron though and so I have to spend this whole weekend teaching myself the info that he doesn't teach.

I finally got Ryan his bike. Sunday after we dropped off his parents, we went to get the bike. Little did we know that we would walk out of wal-mart to pouring rain! We both got soaked trying to get the bike on the bike rack. Then tonight we were able to get my bike and we went for a ride. It was great. I was stressed and it really calmed me down and now I am really sore!!!

Today we spent most of the afternoon driving around looking for a chevy dealership that would actually help us. We went to three and on the last try, I got someone to the car to check out my seatbelt on the passenger side. Apparently chevy does not have a lifetime warranty on their seatbelts, so it looks like I will be replacing my seatbelt tomorrow. For some crazy reason Satruday when we picked Ryan's parents from the airport, it just locked up. It worked for me on the way there, but Quala could not get it to work when she got in the car. Really strange.

Sorry it took so long to write something. It might now be awhile again since I have tests and no days off.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

E. Coli

Please check out this site!!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I guess I owe you all an update. I have been keeping myself pretty busy with putting my homework and projects off to the last minute. There really isn't too much to say though....Ryan's birthday is coming up and I have an awesome idea! I thought about it for months and came up with three ideas, but I narrowed it down to just one...a bike. We talked about it when we moved here and since he has gotten two stolen just at our old apartments, I think he deserves another. This time he has a safer place to keep it though. I am hoping that by buying us both one, we will go riding around the neighborhood we live in and to the park. We both need exercise outside of our daily routines!! He is really excited about it too....I couldn't hold it off until the end of this month to tell him.

Ryan's parents will be here this weekend! I am super excited. Of course the house will be kinda messy since I have been doing other stuff. But I get to see both of them and Ryan's aunt and uncle that are sitting just two rows behind us at the football game.

Sorry I am rambling and have homework still. This is all boring anyway! I don't have a new nephew YET like other people! :)

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Big Plans!!

For those of you that get to watch the Tech vs. AM game... I am sooo jealous! Yes, that is right, I have to work today. Apparently being the only one out of everyone at work that went to AM still doesn't qualify me to have off to go to the game! It makes me a little irritated!! So, I am about to leave for work. You guys have fun watching the game.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Can anyone tell me what that is!? Here is a clue....biochem!!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Pics for fun

Just a couple of pictures. I am off to bed and have a big day and read biochem! I am off of work, but not from school!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

This about explains our weekend I guess. I was soo excited about it because I asked off on Saturday to go to the game and clean up a bunch of stuff here at the house. So, Friday kicked it off ok beacuse they came to tear up the concrete in the back yard. The down side of that though was the noise and the shaking!! At first they used a sledge hammer to knock some holes and then they started with the jack hammer. All was well though since it was being done. Then Saturday I got a TON of things done at home. I even was able to detail my car! About three o'clock I started making Ryan and me some soup, and wouldn't you know that at three thiry they call me in to work?! They wanted me to be there right away since two girls ahd called in sick. What could I do tell them not to feed the 5th floor because I had made pther plans?! I hadn't even taken a shower; just a quick bath after I washed my car to get the soap off of me. Needless to say I was in a really pissy mood since they called me on a day I had requested off rather than someone else who had just been given the day off. There are other reasons, but to keep it shorter I will leave it at that! They did need help this morning though again and I told my supervisor not to even bother asking me since I had already come in a day when I had made plans....I am the only person they did not call at four this morning looking for help. :)

I was realy looking foward to the weekend and now I can't wait to start the week. I think it is funny that I look foward to any day that I have off, whether it is a Thursday or a Monday. I love my days off! This week is Thursday so I am really grateful for Thursday to coming rolling in. Sorry all I really have right now is work BS. Ryan and I both were irritated that I had to go to work on Saturday so that is our big highlight of the weekend! I will post a pic of my hair once it is fixed and not just in a ponytail.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Loud House

All my tests are over!!! Yeah! I made great grades too so far. ON Biochem I made a 86!!!!! WOO HOOO!!! Oh and then I made 92 on Essentials and 93 on skyviews exams. I took my stats today but I won't know what I made on that for a while. It felt like I did good though. Tests are over and right in time too...they decided to tear up our backyard today!! They are outside our patio door with a sledge hammer just taking swings at the concrete!! It is crazy becuase the whole house is shaking. I took my crystal down from my shadow baxes just in case they hit too hard and made the glass fall! I will send pics of it all.

I cut my hair on Monday too! She took off two inches all over, layered it again, then thinned it out a lot! Now my ponytail is tiny! She did a really cool technique too that gave my hair more body and volume at the roots. I was pretty worried when I saw who was going to do it because she wsa really young, but she did a great job.

I will post more later when I have more to say and some pics of the things going on around here!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

You have got to read this!!!

I really need to study for Biochem tomorrow, but before I get started I wanted everyone to see this! This is what we talked about in my class today!!!
I can't believe it!!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Test Week!

You remember that one week at the beginning of every semester when ALL your teachers have their first tests? Well, that is this week for me. I have Biochem on WEdnesday, Essentials and Skyviews on Thursday and then Stats on Friday. At least my tests aren't all four in one day like a lot of people I know have. Still, I have been reading my biochem book all weekend. I am so tired of it, but I still feel like I have not absorbed any of the info I need to know!

It is a lot cooler here as of this morning. Ryan and I took the dogs for a walk to the park and let them run a while. It was great. Then we let them run in the couryard here too with the neighbor kids chasing them. Star was too prissy and wouldn't play, bue Raider was chasing, running, barking and fetching for about thirty minutes with the kids.

No more rain. It is funny that we actually want it to rain and make sure the water isn't going to get into our hosue and now it won't rain! There are storms all around us, but no rain since we got home.

Yesturday was a rough day at work for me. I found out that I won't get to supervise after all at work. It seems like they are having a surplus of supervisors now and I would only add to the cut in everyone else's supervising hours. My boss didn't tell me this, instead he is kinda slinking away from the thought that he even asked me. He has not said one word to me about it. I guess I can just hope that soon someone will get promoted to another job and I will be able to supervise.

Jordan bought our bridesmaid dresses last night too! Since the wedding is outside in June, the dresses are really light and airy. I am really excited.
For now, I am going to get back to studying. This was just a quick escape for me. Oh and here are a couple of my favorite pics from last weekend.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Catching up...

Sorry I have not written anything in a while. I have had a really hard time getting back into the swing of eveything and catch up on my rest too. Everyday it has been the same...rush to school...rush to work...home..sleep. I really don't mind the sleeping part though! I have my first round of tests next week in all my classes, so I have been trying to stay ahead with all my classes.

Oh and I know most of you know by now, but Ryan and Ihad some really great findings when we got home. Ryan had left the de-humidifier hose out of the sink so we had a soaking counter top and plus wet carpet...again! It stunk so bad in the house. Luckily, the carpet is dry, we have padding now and they steam cleaned them too to get out some mildew. Next on the agenda is having the slab fixed. I will keep you updated!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The rain has gone, but problems arise!

So yesturday I discovered what I thought was an accident by one of the dogs infront of our patio door....only it wasn't. Turns out it had been raining so much, water was actually getting into our house and soaking the carpet! I could step on the carpet and have water jump between my toes. It reminded me of "the flood" and of the first water that came in from Mom's closet. Needless to say I freaked out a bit because of that, but all is well. We got the carpet guys out here today since it finally stopped raining!!! They ripped up the carpet and tore out the padding about five feet away from both of the doors, now we have fans in our living room drying it all out. We will see what tomorrow brings now! They were forecasting more rain. Good thing we have renter's insurance!! :)

You can see the little blower we have in our living room in the pic. It is small, but pretty loud!!

Ryan and I made it to the Tech game on Saturday. I wanted to share this one billboard that we really liked.

I have been crazy busy. Today was my first really long day. I had my lab at seven thirty this morning, had class until three twenty and then had to be at work by three thirty! Ryan is so sweet and every Tuesday and Thursday he meets me in the parking lot with a snack and a hug. That makes things a lot better. Plus he is cooking supper a lot too. With taking biochem this semester, I really won't have time to slack off too much on homework and quizzes.

Star made us both really pissed the other night. To begin with she HATES the rain. When it is raining you might as well just put her straight into the bathroom as punishment because even if you throw her onto the grass to potty, she runs back to the door, then we spank her, put her back on the grass and it just keeps going. Anyway, this had been going on Friday and Saturday and Ryan and I were just about to leave her on the back porch except it was cold too. She hadn't went potty outside all day, so Sunday night we took her out. It started all the same with putting her in the grass. This time though the neighbors opened their garage door to leave and she took off! Little Miss ran underneath his car and would not come out! Ryan and I were laying on the garage floor with treats and coxing her out for about fifteen minutes. Grrrrr She got a real nice spank and then slept in the downstairs bathroom all night. Plus we were both really embarassed.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Rain, Rain and More Rain

Mom was pretty astonished when I told her it was raining here on Friday, but it has not stopped! Yesturday it did stop just long enough for the football game, even though it started drizzling right at the beginning of the fourth quarter. That is when we left so that we wouldn't get sick. We had plans to take care of a bunch of stuff during the day yestruday and then some today, but when it is yucky outside you just don't want to do anything! Instead, I have been cleaning and getting binders organized for my classes. Oh another thing about the weather here is chilly! I wore a jacket to the game and was cold still and then we have the AC turned off completely and it feels great!! I love it when it finally turns to a comfortable fall chilly. I am sorry that it isn't cooler at home for the rest of you. At least the warm weather will be good for the beach next weekend!! I am super excited about that! See you guys soon!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Man where do I start!? I have been crazy busy between work and school so far. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I will have to go straight from class to work..literally. My class is over at 3:20 and I am technically late to work at 3:30. My boss should understand that it is impossible to get there in time though and should not count me late. My classes are good though. Biochem is kinda scary, but I think I might like it. One of my classes requires a lab, but not just ny lab...I have to work at the Tech restaurant doing all the prep work. Since I have done that kind of stuff before, I really don't think I will mind doing the work, just the early morning time.

Raider's girlfriend from the apartments is coming over on Sunday to see him. I ran into my friend from the apartments and she was all excited about bringing her dog over. Apparently her dog, Lady, never plays with other dogs, just Raider and it is a really cute flirt-play! I am super excited about this weekend because I am off. Ryan and I will be going to the football game and then getting more supplies we have to have for school. Anyway, I need to go to bed.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Quick Catch up!

Not too much new around here. Friday Ryan had fun taking care of me and Mom and Sue got a call from me! I smashed my finger at work and I couldn't get it to stop throbbing still six hours after I did it!! Ouch! Luckily, I don't think I will have to have it drained, buddy wrapping it was just enough to get through it all.

School starts tomorrow. Ryan is already asleep and I will be heading there soon. I have class from ten til twelve. Not bad at all. Plus I am off tomorrow, so that gives me some time to get a parking permit and look into my books that I need.

Here is a quick pic of the new Wal Mart. I am really impressed. It does not look like all the other ones I have seen!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

I was tagged by Amanda.

1. If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be? Close to family

2. What's your favorite article of clothing? PJ's

3. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? Eyes and Smile

4. What's the last CD that you bought? Dashboard Confessional

5. Where's your favorite place to be? the beach OR with family

6. Where is your least favorite place to be? Early morning labs that have no point

7. What's your favorite place to be massaged? scalp and neck

8. Strong in mind or strong in body? mind

9. What time do you wake up in the morning? Umm I would say around nine

10. What is your favorite kitchen appliance? Ryan's Home Cafe

11. What makes you really angry? Silly people at work and people who leave their blinkers on!

12. If you could play any instrument, what would it be? guitar

13. Favorite color? Right now it is a tealish blue

14. Which do you prefer...sports car or SUV? SUV

15. Do you believe in an afterlife? yes-heaven
16. Favorite children's book? Brown Bear and I Can Dress Myself :)

17. What is your favorite season? Fall

18. What is your least favorite household chore? vacuuming-I hate the stairs!!!

19. If you could have one super power, what would it be? hmm I will have to think about that

20. If you have a tattoo, what is it? no tat

21. Can you juggle? I don't think so. I have never tried

22. The one person from your past that you wish you could go back and talk to? Grandpa Heimann

23. What's your favorite day? any day that I am with family or else at the beach

24. What's in the trunk of your car? a fold-up fishing pole, sun shades for my car, an atlas from '87(I wasn't even born then!!)

25. Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger? Hamburger

Now the only person I can pass this to is Quala! I hope you get to do it.

Monday, August 21, 2006

New Job!

It looks like all that working in the morning and putting up with silly stuff at work is paying off! My boss asked me Thursday, (but we actually discussed it today) if I would like to be a supervisor!! Woo hoo!! It doesn't sound all that great, but I will be staying downstairs the whole time I am at work, taking temps., loading the carts, etc etc. Basicly I will be the one in charge at night when all the managers are gone! There are perks to it and pitfalls, but right now I am just honored taht he asked me. I will start out as a back up if someone gets sick or the other three supers are gone. Then eventually just be supervising and not delivering trays at all. It is another step up and it will look really great on my application for internships and for jobs.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Just like everyone else's posts, I am pretty tired. Ryan and I decided along with a new school year, we would start new habbits. After work tonight we went jogging. Plus, we are making better plans for cooking and snacks during the year! Healthier lifestyles. Kinda like a New Year's resolutin with a new school year. So, I think I will follow in Amanda's footsteps and just post a couple of pics.

This is a picture from the wedding yesturday. Ryan looked awesome in his suit! Everyone thought I made him wear it, but the truth is that he picked it out. I just helped pick out the tie!!

He is a picture of my new additions in my room. I now have art above my bed and then new curtains! My room is soo much cooler during the day now.

Another project finished. Now I have to buy some more crystal to put in them! ;)

Saturday Smash

Wow today was an exhausting day! I thought Tuesday and Wednesday were, but I was really wrong. Satruday started with me waking up at four forty five to go to work. I vowed taht I would not work anymore mornings because I am so tried afterwards,but I wanted to be off in the afternoon for Brandi's wedding. Anyway, work was never ending! I think I had to walk up to my floors at least five extra times ontop of the five other times I went up. My legs hurt so bad and I just wanted to pass out! Onve I got home at three in the afternoon though, I showered, got dressed and we were off again! Ususally after working a morning I take a long afternoon nap so my body was really hating me last night when I didn't. The wedding was so much fun! No one was realy dancing so all the girls from work were dancing the whole time in an effort to get everyone else dancing. It didn't work! At least we all had a good time plus while I was on the dancefloor I didn't feel how bad my legs hurt! As soon as we got home at nine thirty, I ate something quick and layed down to relax. However I didn't plan on falling asleep at ten and laying threre-lifeless- until two in the morning! Ryan said he gave me a kiss, Raider jumped on the couch a couple of times, and he was even barking at one point! I didn't hear one peep! Apparently my body was too exhausting for anything else!! It was all so worth it though. I hope you all had a great Saturday.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Lots to catch up on!

It has been an exhausting past two days! I stayed up late (about three!) on Monday night to make sure I had everything ready for Tuesday's re-bachelorette party that I was hosting. Jordan and I spent all morning Monday shopping for a red KitchenAid mixer that was not an Artisan. Then we both had to work. So, on Tuesday she baked cakes, I cleaned some and then went to work again. Tuesday night was so much fun too! What I didn't have time to clean-Ryan cleaned! It was amazing to come home to such a clean house! He had moped, vacuumed, cleaned the bathrooms, kitchen sink and counters and then lite(how do you spell that?) some candles so it was fresh and homey feeling. Fantastic!!! After work we all went to eat at Rosa's and gave Brandi her gifts, which she was soo excited about, then came over here to party. I had fun and I think everyone else did too. I got to be the bartender all night long then once we were drunk, we played twister. One friend did get sick, but we all took care of her. So Tuesday night I went to sleep about 4:00am!! Yikes. It was a good thing I was off Wednesday becuase I slept in until eleven. Meagan came to wake me up and tell me when she left in the morning, but her nor three other girls could wake me! ;)

Ryan and I met some of our neighbors last night. It is a family of five I think and they have a little boy that is about three. He came over to pet the dogs and we got to meet the whole clan. Their names were really weird though so I don't remember them yet. Anyway, the three year old was hugging on my legs and then when I picked him up he gave me the sweetest hug!! It really made me miss Garrett and Lance's hugs and kisses! The husband and wife were real sweet too. I am so glad that we have nice neighbors that are not college kids throwing parties everynight!!

Oh and wouldn't you know that as soon as we move from the apartments, construction is finally ending! Ryan lived there for two years while everything around him was being built and now they are really close to finishing it all. They finished the Wal-Mart that is just about half a mile from where we were before. It is super nice too! I will post a picture once I get one because it is so different from all the other ones I have seen. There is also a new Chili's restaurant about two blocks from our old place now too!! I am so jealous! Now Jordan is really close to all of that and not me. :(

Monday, August 14, 2006

Busy Busy

I went to my first bachelorette party all by myself on Saturday night! What is funny is that mom called me to check on me and I didn't answer since I was at the party. Then Sunday when I did talk to her she said she was calling becuase her and Dad were worried about their "Little Girl" since they hadn't heard from me all week. hehe There little girl was at a party and playing nasty games! I thought it was ironic that she had to call me at that time! OH and it was the cutest thing when I got home from the party at about three, Ryan was waiting up for me. He said he missed me. :(

The party was fun. It was kinda odd too. SOme of the brides' friends are out going and then some are really shy and sheltered. So, the party was kinda separated. All the girls from work decided it was not the kind of party that we wanted to her basicly. Here was the whole layout-Dinner at 7:00, Lingerie Party at 8:30(drinks, games, presents), Limo at 11:00, clubbing the rest of the time. It was pretty long, then there was only 2 people that were 21 and the bride was not one! So going out wasn't too great and we ended up riding in the limo for several hours-kinda bored!
Anyway, my point is that we are throwing her another party. Not really a bachelorette party, but just a stay at home, drink and play games party. I am super excited because we are all coming over to my house! Guests!! I already told everyone to bring their blankets and plan on staying here. Before we come over here, we are going to eat at Rosa's and give her her gift we all got her. Jordan and I spent all morning looking for a red kitchenaid mixer( the cheapest one). We could not find one anywhere!! So I found a red Sunbeam standing mixer instead. Tomorrow is going to be a lot of fun!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Worst Haircut Ever!

Ryan and I gave Raider and Star haircuts yesturday. As you can see by the picture, Raider's looks good, but Ryan wacked at Star a little too much! Her hair is soooo short on the sides that you can actually see her skin! I thought about taking her to a groomer and get it fixed, but I am not sure they could fix it.

Raider and I have a nightly ritual now-hide and seek. It is so funny, and he knows when we are about to go to bed, that it is time to play his game. I tell him to sit and stay, then I go hide. When I say come find me, he runs from my room to Ryan's room looking. It is hilarious! Ryan tried to hide last night for him, but Raider was confused and was jumping at me like," I found you I found you!"

We got a lot done again on my day off yesturday. Ryan turned in his keys at the apartment, we got my oil changed and his car inspected, cut the dogs' hair, then I cooked supper. Man I love my days off!!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Super excited!

I got my first invitation to a real bachelorette party today in the mail!! Not that Sue's wasn't real, but this is one that I am going to because it is a friend and all. Anyway, I am really excited!! I have to work Satruday night though so I won't be able to go to the eating out part of the party. I will be able to meet up with them at the Lingerie party and then to hop in the limo and go out clubbing with the girls! Yeah! Brandi, the bachelorette, was trying to find someone to work for me on Saturday though because she wants me there for the whole thing. So, I will see what happens.

Ryan took me out to the movies tonight. We saw Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. It was really funny, however the beginning was a little ruined by the commercials. They showed a lot of the funny stuff in the commercials from the beginning of the movie and there wasn't any more funny stuff. I still liked the movie though and Ryan did too. I wish that he would have had his racing outfit here. I dared him to wear it to the movies and I am sure he would have!

I have the next two days off and hopefully I can get a lot of stuff done. I have to get my oil changed really bad!! Ryan has been on my tail about it. Oh and he has to get his car inspected and then clean the apartment and turn in his keys.

After reading Sue's blog it made me think.....the drivers here have been terrible too! I thought it was just because of tax free weekend, but it is continuing! Seriously, at one point I was thinking these drivers were worse than College Station drivers. And you all know that I really hate those drivers! So Sue, I can sympathize with your shooting the finger. I gave a couple of dirty looks over the past couple of days.

Monday, August 07, 2006


So after my long day yesturday at work, I did have to work this morning again. Really it wasn't bad, just bad waking up so early. The only reason I got upset today was becuase the normal morning crew was taking advantage of my sweetness. I had to take up a lot of late trays when I really shouldn't have had to. Anyway, I almost stayed all night too. The night supervisor came in and was really sick. I am not a supervisor, so I couldn't offer to work for her, but I was going to stay and take care of her. They had plenty of people at night to help take care of her so I made it home. Hopefully they won't ask me to work another morning again! or at least for a long time.

Everything else the same. Star is being really stubborn again. Raider and Star took off running when we let them out earlier. When we were yelling at them to come back and stop, Star just ran underneath a car and wouldn't come out. So now we are taking them out on leashes. Star has to be re-leash trained so until she gets used to it, she isn't really listening or going to the bathroom. Ryan thinks I just don't like Star, but I think it is the stubborness in her that fights with the stubborness in me that I dislike sometimes.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

back from the Grave

When Ryan and I moved his fishtank, we started with four fish moving. However, when we got to the house, we only had one left taht we put back in the tank. So after buying a new castle for him, we dropped him in and we never saw that one fish again. That is until tonight! Somehow the fish was hiding in the castle for over two months without us ever seeing him! We thought he had died and the filter caught the remains from him! So now he has a new name..Willy The Fish. The initials WTF becuase that is what we were thinking when we saw him again!!!

Middle night surprise

My big news from me. I am still in my slump at work. No matter how optimistic I am about going to work lately, I always come out pissed off or just irritated. Tonight it was that we didn't get out until nine o'clock, but I have to be back up there at six in the morning! Pat fired someone and now I get to fill in for her on Sunday and Monday morning until he can figure something out. grrrr. If I am irritated after just five hours at out after I am there for nine!! You all know I get the Robert attitude sometime!! I am still working on correcting that with Ryan's help.

In the middle of the night last night I had a big surprise. I woke up and I felt all wet. At first I thought I was dreaming it up, then I thought I was sweating, then maybe I drooled and finally...did I pee on myself?? Nope none of the above. I played with Raider for about an hour last night before we went to bed and he drank a lot! With him not being a puppy anymore, I didn't even think about taking him out again! Stupid me! I guess he was dreaming and drempt (is that a word?) he was outside on the grass! He was laying right next to me, so it went through the comforter, sheets, and mattress pad. Oh and on my clothes too! Huge puddle too! Needless to say, at two thirty in the morning I was changing sheets, clothes, and mattress pads! Yuck! Hopefully I remember next time!

I better get to bed. I have to be up and at work in less than eight hours!! Have a great night!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Nothing really new at our house. Raider is getting fat now that he is fixed. He actually is one pound heavier already. Star is learning a new trick..."speak". Raider already know it well and she is picking it up from him. Ryan has been building more stuff and coming up with even more ideas for things. I have been trying to keep the house clean, prepare for school, and work. Work is really exhausting me right now. I really like my job, but do you ever have those slumps where you really just are about ready to quit. The job is great, but it just sucks that the evening crew actually has plenty of people and they are stealing them from us to work in the morning who is short handed. Therefore, it makes the night that much harder for us becuase the morning doesn't do their job to the fullest anyway thus the night picks up the slack and the BS from the nurses that are actually mad at the morning crew. It sounds really stupid, but it is really getting to me lately. I WAS at a point where I did not mind going to work and actually enjoyed it because I got to meet new people. With all that bologna going on though I am in a slump and do not like my job right now. Does anyone else get to those points??

Anyway tonight was eventful on my floors due to a code blue. I was pretty scared, but tried not to show it. I was proud of myself though becuase I stayed out of the way and was still able to feed everyone I needed to and meet their needs. Later when I returned to the floor things had calmed down and the patient was ok too.

Sunday, July 30, 2006


Well, I won't go into the details, but work sucked royaly today. I had lots of problems and I actually had to ask for someone to help me out. I said once Ryan and I got some more of our projects finished that we would post them. He finished my hutch completely now and it is in my room on my desk! Plus, my shadow box is finished and he is making another one. His bookcase is still a work in progress.