Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Surviving my first round of tests...

Yup that is right, it is the week of the tests for me. Lucky for me, since all my classes are on MWF, they all didn't decide to give tests on the same day! Even though I am not having fun studying for them, it is nice to have one week of tests and then a nice calmer three weeks. Friday I have a mythology test, which I am a little worried about. It is just a humanities though and not a required course for my degree. Biochem on the other hand was Monday. It looks like I am going to be stuck in a rut again this semester like I was last semester with C's on all my tests. I did have one 86 last semester, but this year started off with a 74. I guess I will have to work harder.
Nothing else really great going on. School, work, school, work...etc... As soon as I have better and more excited things to say I will get them up. Until then, I thought it would be fun to leave with an older picture. I found several while I was digging in my closet.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Old times...

Do you guys remember this picture. Even though it is pretty dated now, I still love it! I think the next time we are all together we HAVE to do a retake! Miss you guys!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

As I sit eating pineapple....

I figured if I was going to take a break from studying, it might as well be to inform everyone what is going on with us... Work and school are exhausting me and Ryan's classes are wearing him down too. I stay on campus usually from 8:00A until 5:00P Monday and Wednesday. Than I try to cook, clean the dishes and study. Tonight is no different. Tuesdays and Thursdays I have been supervising, so I get to work about noon and stay until eight. On fridays I haev class until noon, then I go to wrok. So, basicly, I feel like I have no free time. Saturday I go to work at 3:00 and then Sunday I am there at 12:00 again. Yuck. I love supervising, but I though working less days would be better for me, but right now it seems so rushed. Do you think stress or just rush? Ryan has been reading a lot lately. His classes are reading intensive and since it hurts his eyes to read from the computer, he has been having to print out a majority of his material. Yesterday he spent half the day just trying to fix his new printer and it still isn't working right.

The squirrel has been taunting the dogs again. This afternoon it was just sitting in our tree making weird noises, while the dogs sat at the window fussing. It can get really annoying when I am studying though. Raider hasn't learned any new tricks. I am still working on getting him to "sing".

The weather is finally warming up and getting comfy....oh but wait....yup...another artic front for us??? Snow???!! Yeah. They are talking about another front this coming week and possibly snow again. I am getting used to driving in it now, so that is good. We didn't get as much snow here last weekend as they were projecting. It was mostly ice and sleet that made everything slushy druing the day and then icy at night. Raider still had fun playing in it.
Time to get back to studying and other school work!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

It's rare that you see someone who is truly stupid...

(by Ryan)

Every now and then you see people do something that's dumb, but tonight we saw someone who is just plain stupid. The roads are mostly thawed out, but there are still some icy spots here and there. We were sitting at a red light on the feeder for the loop, and two cars coming through the intersection side by side slid into one another, just kind of rubbed the sides of their cars a bit, not a real major accident or anything. So the guy in the middle lane pulls over to a parking lot that was on the right side of the road, but the guy in the other car decides to just stop in the left lane while traffic is still going through, instead of pulling off the road where it's safe. He sits there for a minute or so, then turns his lights completely OFF (it's completely dark outside so now nobody can see his car sitting there in the middle of the road), gets out of the car, and walks around into the center lane of traffic to look at the damage to his car! We were so tempted to roll the window down and tell him to get off the road or turn his hazard lights on or something. I just didn't know somebody could be so stupid. He did the exact OPPOSITE of everything you're supposed to do when you have a fender bender. I wish I had a video camera for moments like this.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

I will post some more pictures tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to get some good pictures of the snow before it statrs to melt. Of course, there is always a chance that I could get more pictures on Monday when we have a chance of snow AGAIN!!! Enjoy the pics for now.
Sorry Mom, I did take some pictures while I was driving extremely slow to work today. This is one that I snapped in my car driving by. It is the Animal Sciences building.

Our large tree...

We have a large tree and then this weird bush/tree in our backyard. So far we have not had any limbs fall from the large tree, luckily, but this bush has pretty much had it I think.

This was taken yesterday from the 6th floor. Since it has been snowing and sleeting off and on now, I am sure it was even more white today, but I did not go up on floors today when I was supervising! :)

This pircture is just really awesome.

This is icicles hanging off of our house. Ryan actually has icicles hanging to the ground off of his car now. It looks like it is frozen to the ground!

We're Okay!

I don't have much time right now to write since I am leaving exceptionally early for work, but I just want you guys to know that we are great so far! We have not fallen on the snow or least not yet. I HAVE to be at work today, so I am leaving early to get there. If it is really bad then I have a backup plan in case I need help getting to work. Anyhow, We are staying in as much as possible. Love you guys!

We're Okay!

I don't have much time right now to write since I am leaving exceptionally early for work, but I just want you guys to know that we are great so far! We have not fallen on the snow or least not yet. I HAVE to be at work today, so I am leaving early to get there. If it is really bad then I have a backup plan in case I need help getting to work. Anyhow, We are staying in as much as possible. Love you guys!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Waiting, Waiting and Waiting

Yes, once again this weekend we are expecting more cold!!! Therefore, I am waiting to see if we are going to have school tomorrow. Either way I am not going to me 8:00 since it is so early and liley to be yucky on the roads that early. The news is saying that we could get from 4 to 12 inches of snow, the most they have had here in ten years. This could be interesting! Oh, Ryan and I went to the grocery store to get a couple of things just in case the power goes out and the store was out of EVERYTHING!!! I have never seen something so weird. No bananas, no bread, no tuna, no water, no batteries.....nothing. Luckily we have a lot of stuff here to eat and if worse comes to worse, we figure we can just take some of the food out of the frig and put it on the snow for a while!! hehe Unfortunately, I WILL HAVE to go to work all weekend. They actually are putting their put down and if any employee calls in because of the weather, then they will be written up. As a supervisor now, I can only be written up twice before I am terminated so I will be at work!! :) If I need someone to come get me in a 4WD then all I have to do is call work and they have someone in charge of just that. So, that makes it better. Tomorrow at work I am late tray and then on Saturday and Sunday I am supervising! Woo Hoo!! Lots of hours and more pay! Of course, (Mom you will know what I am talking about) not everyone at work is happy that I am supervising so much. There is one certain person at work that everytime my boss puts out a new schedule out, then she is in a HORRIBLE mood. She claims she is not getting enough hours, when in fact she has 10 hours of overtime this week!!! Grrrr. Anyway, I am going to bed now. I plan on waking up to a snow filled yard taht Raider can prance around in so I need some rest. Night.

Waiting, Waiting and Waiting

Monday, January 15, 2007

Awesome Movie

Ryan and I have watched several movies lately in hopes of seeng a really good one, but have been disappointed. Last night we finally got a great one to watch. You have got to see The Illusionist. It is a movie that is interesting during, but leaves you thinking about it once it is over. Fantastic! I wish that we could find more movies this good.
A funny thing happend just as we were starting the movie however. Star jumped up on Ryan's chest to give him kisses. As soon as she did, there was projectile vomit all over Ryan's chest. It was really gross, but also sooo funny since she has peed on his chest before! The peeing on the chest was when she was a puppy though.
Grey's Anatomy just won a Golden Globe for Best Drama! Wooo Hooo!!! Or should I say "Seriously!"
Oh and I forgot to write on Saturday that my loan money finally came in Saturday. I must have been preoccupied with something else......hmmm.. Anyway, I am super excited now because I get to spend a good chuck of it on five textbooks and one computer programn! (little sarcasm there. I am in that kind of mood tonight)
Ryan is feeling a lot better too. He must have gotten a little bit of whip lash. I have given him three neck rubs plus a back rub just since his fall. Our driveway was mostly melted today, but still slick in places. Tomorrow it should all be gone. Of course, now the forecast is takling about snow on Wednesday possibly. Here are a couple of pics that we took around town Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

A recap of our day

-Ryan and I wake up
- De-ice my car for about thirty minutes
-Drive to get new wiper blades
- Ryan drops me off at work
- Get to work, start making fruit plates
- Call from Ryan (he has NEVER called me at work)
- Start crying since I know it has to be bad
- Ryan has fallen on the ice in the driveway and hit heaad first on the way down
- Freak out some more
- Realize I don't have a car to drive home
- Borrow Meagan's car
- Drive home
- Ryan sitting on the chair
-Stay home the rest of the day to keep on eye on things

Does that sound eventful? I knew AS SOON as they said I had a phone call that something was wrong. I have worked there for a year and two months and never received a call from Ryan except on my cell. Luckily, his head was not as bad as I was thinking it would be. I mean since I found Dad when he hit his head, I was sure I was going to come home to blood and throwing up. Ryan was very lucky mostly since he did hit his head first and he does not have any symptomns of problems. He was wearing a snookie at the time so I am thinking that cushioned the fall more than we thought. Anyway, just in case Mom didn't call everyone just wanted to clue you all in on our day.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

School has started and of course with it, all the stresses and frustrations have already filtered their way back inot my routines. For starters, I started working out on Tuesday. Yeah!! Sue-I bought a step for aerobics and I have been doing Mrs. Linda's routines and I feel great! Really really sore now, but my energy and drive is fantastic. For me, when I start exercising more, my body craves healthier food too, so it all jsut goes hand and hand and works out. So, while I have tight shoulders from doing arm weights, I am also tense since my loan money has not come in yet! School has started already!! I have talked to the financial aid twice already and they assure me that I won't be dropped from my classes because they can see on the system that I will receive it, but the actual funds have not made it to the college yet. My response was "So am I just not supposed to do my school work and assignments until I get my money to buy my books!?" Grrr. So right now my anger release is the exercising. Seems to be working most of the time. It does not help however in shortening the time in which I will get my money(one to two more weeks).

Other than that stuff, I got the biochem teacher that I really wanted to have. That is fantasttic! Every student in the class was excited and cheering when he walked into the room to teach this semester.

Since all my class are on MWF, that means that I have Tuesday and Thursday to do homework, clean, relax, go to work early, or maybe even volunteer. Service hours look really great on my application for my internship so I might try to rack up some hours while I can. I still am not sure where I am doing my internship so getting hours definietly would hlep if I decide to pick the out of town ones.

Monday, January 08, 2007

A new pet!

Well, it looks like Star and Raider have their own pet to play with now or maybe I should say an animal that plays with them! Lately, we have had a bunch of squireels wonder onto our fence. Now Ryan and I have realized that they are actually taunting Raider and Star. Just now there was a squirrel on the fance and as soon as I let the dogs outside, it jumped to the next fence to where the dogs couldn't see it. Once raider and Star thought it was gone, the squirrel ran super fast across our fence and jumped onto the tree in our backyard. It is so funny! The dogs go crazy! Plus it leaves them with their heads cocked looking up at the tree all afternoon.

I never wrote that I got to supervise by myslef. Last Thursday I was all by myself and it was great! I did have a couple of questions, but since every other supervisor was off, I was able to call them for questions. Everything ran smoothly though and that is most important. On the next schedule I am super three times and then I go in a couple of other days at twelve thirty and get more hours while working less days! Fantastic!

Just now as I am writing the squirrel made another appearance! I am going to video tape them sometime for you guys.

School starts on Wednesday. I am actually really excited right now! My classes are only on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays so I have Tuesday and thursdays to work and do homework. I think that is what I am looking foward to the most. Also, I was really scared this semester because I have to take the second biochem with the harder teacher. Well saturday when my friend went to buy the book, they told her that they had to return the books they had and order new ones since Tech switched teachers! Woo Hoo!! That means I will have the same teacher I had last semester for the first biochem this semester for the second biochem. yeah! I will have to write about my other classes later since I really don't know exactly what to expect from them.

Hope you guys have a great week. Sue, have a safe flight today! Gotta go now, the squirrel is back!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Dee..I am pretty sure I got you beat today on weird things to do when it is cold out. Ryan and I defrosted our two mini friges. We are going to have a little garage sale on Saturday(since I am off) and get rid of one of the mini friges. The other one is our "bar" frig that we want to hang on to. So, I was out in about thirty degree weather chipping out ice and pouring hot water in them. I am soo happy that we finally did it. Our bar frig had popsicles in it and when they unplugged it to fix the carpet in September, they melted all in it. It was really gross and I finally took care of that.
Ryan and I used "Foxy" tonight to make some awesome mashed potatoes. (Foxy is our mixer) Ryan said they were the best ever since they still had little chunks in it, but were still creamy and whipped too. Oh and Ryan did not make a mess when he was whipping them since we had a splash guard. Finally!
For those of you who have not seen our mixer, here she is...

These are the Czech glasses that Aunt Mary told "Santa" that Ryan and I liked them. Aunt Mary had actually put them away in the back without us knowing when we told her we liked them so that we could buy them. I thought that was really sweet. It was a great surprise too.

This is a truck that passed Ryan and I on the way home. Makes you laugh right?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Number 2

After we finished opening gifts and relaxing with my family on Christmas Eve, we drove to see Ryan's side of the family. I got to see his grandma, aunts and uncles. Of course, we played chicken foot too since that is his famiy's favorite game. Once we left, I was planning on calling Christi and having her watch Talledega nights with me, Ryan, Sue, and Justin, but I fell asleep about ten o'clock! Sue and Mom went to midnight mass but I decided to get some sleep and make sure I didn't get a relapse of my cold.
Christmas Day I went to Grandma's with mom. Ryan joined us later after we ate awesome shrimp. To me, grandma's felt different this year. I don't exactly know why, but it was weird. I still had fun seeing everyone though. Ryan and I spend that night playing games with Ryan's parents-poker, chicken foot and Taboo.
While I was at home, I got to spend some much needed time with Christi too. I miss her a lot and there was a lot to catch up on. We went out to eat one night in Houston. Then the next night we ate at DQ and visited some old high school friends. Of course thre isn't oo much you can do in our little town, so we pretty much sat around then.