Sunday, September 30, 2007

I finally made it through one of the craziest weeks I have ever had in college. Ontop of all of the extra stress at work, this past week I had four tests and four assignments due. I had my first test in the class that will decide if I get to leave this town in May or not and I did so so. For some reason on the first test in any class I take, before I know how the teacher sets up the tests, I make the same average on every test-around a 70. This time was no different. I was a little dissappointed since I did study for about twleve hours straight for it, but the grade could have been a lot worse considering it was over tube feedings, lab values, calculating nitrogen balance and more fun stuff I know sounds really boring.

Ryan's parents made it into town this weekend. Friday they were visiting Quala's parents, so Ryan and I drove to meet them there. It was only a two and a half hour drive, but we had all kind of craziness on the drive-out of nowhere in the dark, we had to slam on our brakes for a balloon!!!, the moon looked creepy-just like a classic halloween movie moon, we almost hit one deer right in the middle of the road, and saw seven more, we saw two porcupines!!(I have never seen one in person i don't believe!) We made in to see O'ma and O'pa about ten, talked and then hit the sack. In the morning we got to spend a little more time talking and then drove back to LBK for the big game! I don't know if anyone actually got to see the game, but we won 75-7. A blowout, but our defense needed to work on things and I thnk this helped. I felt bad for the otehr team though. Afterwards, we ate Olive Garden(yum) and came home to settle in for the night. For me it ended up only being two hours because I got the pleasure of working this morning! Now I am nuturing myself as it seems I am getting a cold or some kind of sickness. Go figure!

During all of my activities last week, I really needed a haircut. I wouldn't let myself get one since it would take some much time away from studying. Instead it was my incentive to finish the week.I got my haircut on Friday and I pretty much let the girl do what she wanted to. I trust her a lot since she is a friend of a friend and has done a super job on everyone else that I have seen. I don't think I was an exceptino to that! My hair is definitely something I have not done before and to me is daring compared to how long it used to be. can tell me what you think. This is actually the way my stylist fixedit, and I don't think some people liked it too much. I fix it differnently though and will have to post a pic of that way when I get it.

I am going to straighten up a little here and chug down some fluids to fight this yuckiness I have. Have a fantastic week!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The week in Review

Since I did not have any time this week to post, I figured that I would just give you a summary of how crazy this week was. It all started last Sunday when I got called into work at 8:00 AM because the supervisor who was there needed to go to the ER. So, I rushed my tush to work and stayed there until about five. Then I got to do the really fun stuff called homework. I had three assignments due this week already. Monday started later, thankfully. I had class at eleven until five thirty, then came home to clean house and start on more assignments. Tuesday marked the best day of the week! (totally sarcastic!!!) I woke up at six, went to class from 8-12, rushed to get to work by 12:30 and then had a terrible day. We were so short handed that I did the jobs that four people would normally do. Oh and let's not forget that I just about put in my two weeks notice because I was so mad our manager and staff. I got home that night around nine. Suddenly when I walked in my front door, my mood changed immediately. Allison had cleaned our house and got me supper!! Ryan had to work until 11, and he was surprised too. Wednesday I slept in, ran errands and then went to class at two until five. Thursday was also exhausting. I got on campus at 7:30 and didn't leave until 8:30 that night. The whole time I was in class, working on homework or attending meetings. Friday things started looking up. I woke up early, got lots of homework done and then went to work at three. It was actually a good day at work too. Then today hit....a relatively good day except that the same supervisor that was mentioned in the beginning as going to the ER last weekend had to made another visit there last night. So, she will not be working all weekend now. Jordan came in this morning to cover the other girl's shift today and now I have to go in tomorrow morning to cover tomorrow. I guess the week is beginning the same way it started last week. I will have to be there at 4:30 in the morning. At least I will have the afernoon to rest some and finish the homework I had planned on doing tonight.
I have my first test next week and it is guranteed to be a doozy. The teacher said if you have doubts about something now to come talk to her because if you wait until after you get your first test score back, then you might as well plan on failing! Thanks for the encouragement, right?! Good things to look foward to! :) I really hope all of your schedules are more flexible and easy going than mine. Enjoy the fresh start to a brand new week.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Just a Real Quick List...

Ok, so here is what I have been up to in a summary...
-started school
-majorly stressed already
-overworked from having the pleasure to work 5-eight hour days in a row ontop of all the school
-bought new tires today
-starting on homework for next week
I know I really haven't put much up here lately, it has just been really hard to make extra time so far. I still don't have all of my finanacial aid in so I have been working with fixing that and I am in the process of getting all of my "school supplies." You know the usual....white dress shirt, books, a scarlett tie, binders, black non-slip shoes, etc. I am working in a restaurant for part of a lab that is why I have some funny supplies thrown in there. I actually have to wait tables this semester. Fun fun!! I gotta get back to some online homework! Have a great end of the week!