Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It's almost that time!

Everyday it is just another tease for me right now. I keep thinking this day will be good, I will haev one less final to worry about. Well, it just seems like everyday is another day that goes by that I am not at home yet. Finals are dragging on and on and I was hoping that I would feel good about the one I took today since it was my hardest one. However I only feel more frustrated that I did not study more than I did. Oh and I realized I forgot my calculator, which the whole test was calculations on tube feedings and TPN and every two questions after the calculation was about the calculation. So, I set up all of my problems and then Bailey was done by that time with her calculator and the teacher let me use hers. I was extremely greatful! Still I am happy it is over, but I am dredding the consequences.
Now, I am occupying my time with another final. This one is a take-home final. I made the mistake of thinking, oh it is a take-home, so easy! NO! Not al all! The final is extremely time consuming because I have to have research articles to back up everything I say. Grrrr.

I had a major freak moment after my MNT test today though-my car is acting up! Two days until I get a break and I won't be able to drive my car!! The diagnosis is a headlight that is out. The symptoms that my car is displaying are check ingine light flashing when I put the car into a gear, clicking in my dash and then the check engine light stays on. Weird!? Anyway, Ryan and I are pretty sure that my headlight is just burned out (which is weird because this is the same headlight they had to replace in June when that guy busted up my car) and we are about to go replace it. If we have complications, we will be notifying you!
(I don't know if you could tell, but I have MNT on the brain! I had to use some medical terms in that paragraph)

Friday, December 07, 2007

Two Sighs of Relief

That is right, one sigh that the major presentation of my semester long project is done and the second sigh goes to my GRE being done and over with!! It has been a rough week for me. It wasn't even the end that hit me hard, just the beginning and middle.

Now, I have lots of new worries for this coming week. The first one hit me on this past Tuesday after my persentaion was finished. So, I keep saying my "semester long" project, but it was actually two months, anyhow I finshed the presentatino, then our teacher handed out our take home final. I was dreading it, but it was even more extremem than I thought. Just to sum it all up, I have to do my rpoject all over again on another population, with more deatil, and in six days instead of two months!

Another concern is doing that plus studying for the other two finals I have. Both of them I need to make an A on to guarantee a good grade. Plus, I really really want to start packing for home. Purposely, I planned on the 13th to be my packing day so that I would not pack at all until finals were over. It is just hard.

Here are some pics from last weekend. Yes, ANOTHER bachelorette party! One more friend getting married before me and then another got engaged this weekend and is planning her wedding already. It kinda sucks, but our wedding will be that much more worth it!

My first friend at Tech: Lauren

Amanda, Bailey and Ashley

Me and Bailey, Susie is "friends" with her now too! :)

Monday, December 03, 2007

Ok, reallll quick. Wish me luck for the next two days! Tomorrow I have a major final project presentation that I have been working on all weekend. Then Wednesday is my BIG test-GRE!!! Yikes! I will be studying for that tomorrow after my power point presentation is over!