Sunday, July 30, 2006


Well, I won't go into the details, but work sucked royaly today. I had lots of problems and I actually had to ask for someone to help me out. I said once Ryan and I got some more of our projects finished that we would post them. He finished my hutch completely now and it is in my room on my desk! Plus, my shadow box is finished and he is making another one. His bookcase is still a work in progress.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Real quick!

So I am actually on my way to bed extremely early for me right now. I volunteered to work one Sunday morning and surprise, surprise, I am scheduled again for tomorrow morning. Not so bad to do if I didn't have to be there at six o'clock! Yuck. Nothing else new around here. Ryan is still finishing up on our furniture and making plans for more. He loves building furniture so much. It is really cool though because he learns new techniques and ideas as he goes and just keeps getting better and better. I am picking up some of his tricks, but nothing to brag about like his stuff. That is it! I will give you more when I have more. :)

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Exciting day back!

I was actually excited about going to work today! That is how good days off are for me. I think Ryan and I both need time apart and me at work is usually when that happens. Anyway, going to work I figured just another day at UMC, but nope of course not. THe health inspector showed up today just as I was getting there at three o'clock. We are always clean and sanitary, but we had to make sure we didn't use any cardboard boxes for stuff and as soon as we touched one, we had to change gloves. It really wasn't all that terrible. THe worst part of it was taking off your gloves, then trying to put new ones on with moist, sweaty hands. It is so hard!! THen they tear and you have to start all over! So, we passed and I am happy to say that they did not find a single violation in our area/section of the kitchen!! Woo Hooo trayline!!

Also, one of the girls at work is getting married on AUgust 19, so we are all trying to plan a shower for the work people. And RYan and I will be going to their wedding. yeah!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

WOW! I got so much done!

Yesturday I was off and I got so much stuff finished. First of all, we have neighbors now next to us. It is two guys so that means we might have some party problems if they get too loud. :( We were trying to get away from all that, but too soon to tell yet. Then Ryan and I cleaned my apartment! WOOO HOOO!!!! It was pretty frustrating becuase I only put like 20 holes in the wall, but as we were filling mine, I found like 100 more...literally! They had just painted over them before, so we filled them to make sure I wouldn't get charged. I got to talk to Amber too. Her and Amy were going to move in together, but AMber decided to move in with a guy friend instead. Yeah for her! AMber was rude to me most of the time because Amy was just rubbing her bitchyness onto AMber. So I was happy when I left my apartment then since Amy was not there. I turned in my keys too! No more apartments!!! YEAH!! Ok, so then Ryan and I stuffed like 5 8ft. boards, 4 6ft trimming, and then some flat boards in my car!! Amazing! I tried to take a pic, but he unloaded too fast. We made it home and Ryan built a bookshelf for his room, I built myself a shadow box(more on that when it is done), and then stained my shadow box and hutch for my desk. I got to clean too, which I have not done since we got home. I actually unpacked!!! THe house looks and feels so much better now. Then as I was winding down, I watched the Family STone.

Today has been great too! I washed my car and Ryan's car, cleaned up my room, stained my hutch again and I am about to do some loan stuff. I love days off! I hope everyone else is in a great mood like me! Have a great day!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Raider's bump is fine! He did get a shot right where the bump is, so it is probably just swollen tissue. Yeah!! I was pretty worried it would be something else like Daisy's bump. Ryan is going to start building a hutch for my desk today and then tonight we are going to hobby lobby. I have to buy some sort of thin white backing that I can use for my bed at the apartments. In the morning, Ryan and I are supposed to go clean and are going to repair the bed. Raider and Star chewed up the lining underneath. I am hoping that by fixing it myself, I will still be able to get my pet deposit back. Other than that I have big plans for my day off tomorrow. I have to work on some loan stuff online, make our corkboard bulletin board and spray the house again. (Last night I was on the floor and had a spider crawling right next to me. At least is wasn't the scary sun spiders, only a house spider.)

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Summer Plans

This summer is winding down fast, but now I already have plans for next summer! I will be in Odessa for a wedding on July 27!! I went over to Jordan's and helped her paint her living room. I didn't get far, but at least we had some girl time and got to talk. Anyway, I am going to be a bridesmaid in her wedding next summer! I am really excited. So this means that Dee-you might have to hunt down those molds for me so I can contribute to her bachelorette party. Oh and she is going to san Antonio next weekend to look for her wedding dress and then during the semester we will be looking at bridesmaid dresses. I guess that is my big news of the night! I am really excited about it!

One more thing...I might be overreactiing but I think I am taking Raider to the vet again Monday. Today I felt a lump on his right side that isn't on his left side. It could be from a shot he got, but I still want to make sure.

Here are a couple more pictures too!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Supper Guests

Ryan and I bought stuff to make lasagna so long ago and today I was feeling energetic and made it for lunch. Of course, there was so much left that Jordan and Kevin came over tonight and ate lasagna with us. It is always fun when they come over and bring their dogs. Raider runs around really fast and Alexus is so big and a little clumsy that she can never catch up to him.

I had to take Raider back to the vet today too. He had a little piercing left in his skin and kept on biting and pulling at it. Ryan tried to pull it out himself with tweezers, but had no luck.

Here are a couple more pics from going home. enjoy!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Wow! I feel like Dad tonight on those nights when he would sit at his desk and just work on bills! This morning I sat at my desk and wrote cards for differenet ocasions and mailed them off. Now, I have been sitting here for a while again giving my money away to bills. I knew it always put Dad in a bad mood and I am starting to understand why!! I guess we all learned that though. Anyway, I still have a lot to clean up from our trip so I am going to post a couple of pics for you guys and then head to bed. Have a great Thursday!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

We're Home!

After a long and exhausting trip, Ryam amd I made it home safely. We were both just so tired from the weekend's activities that we didn't want to drive. I was a little annoyed because the whole point of the trip was my doctor's appointment in College Station on Monday, but on our way to CS, the nurse called and said the doctor had 2 emergency surgeries. So, that menas I will be finding another doctor or making another trip in a couple of days! Yuck! I am about to go to work now, so tonight when I get home I will post a couple of pics that I really like. Hope you all had a great weekend!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Message from Taco

(by Ryan)
I'm sitting at Robert and Helen's computer and Taco told me he wanted to hop up in my lap and leave a message for the other dogs in the family, so here it is:

xclt,rfltkgol6o659toirtli lklkb ncvm,m ,mfdk,mjflk,l.,ljmnfvjmc l, kl,kllklcl k,,,,,,,,,,,,

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Still no rain....

Every night for the past three or four nights, it has been lightning all around us. The show has been amazing, but there is no rain! It always seems to ring around us or just disappear just before it gets to Lubbock.

Ryan and I are packing things up tonight and getting ready to head out tomorrow. I really don't know what time we are leaving here though. I have a lot to do first...clean the kitchen, pack, pack for the dogs, straighten up the house. I don't think anyone likes coming home to a dirty house so I have to clean tonight.

Raider is doing great! He is back to his old self with climbing the stairs, jumping into bed and even playing tug of war. He really doesn't have any swelling anymore either. Ok, so I better start packing! See some of you guys soon!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

funny soccer video

Ann and I thought we'd share this with everyone. I was looking at some highlights from the world cup and stumbled across this video on google. This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Enjoy.

Click Here

Monday, July 10, 2006

Sunday and Monday fun stuff

So my boss weaseled me into working on Sunday morning. I really hate working mornings, but he gave me Monday off in exchange. That was music to my ears since I wasn't supposed to have a day off until Thursday which would have given me 9 days straight at work on the same floor. Surprisingly after work yesturday I did get some cleaning done around the house and then I crashed, but only for an hour or so. Ryan and I went to see Jordan and kevin's house then (that looks wonderful so far) and we got some Cold Stone ice cream with them. YUMMM Ryan and I are really going to miss having them as neighbors so close. Jordan can't come over as often now for supper with her puppies to play!

Today was pretty good. I still had to go to work for a meeting, but I got to recooperate from not sleeping the night before and then getting up at five. Jordan and I also went and looked at some decorations for my room and got ideas. I don'th ave money to decorate it yet, but I dream a lot! I hate having just blank and empty walls! I want color and design to look at. Anyone have some creative cheap ideas?

Only two more days until Ryan and I make the drive home to see the family before school starts. I was a little worried about driving with Raider still having his stitches in, but he is acting just like normal again. He is taking the stairs as fast as ever and running wtih Star playing. As soon as we come back I hvae to have the stitches removed though. I can't wait to see Garrett and Lance! We also hope to go to the beach one day or afternoon when we are at home too. I miss it so much up here! The closest we have are the lakes from all the draining water. When the water gets really low in the lakes, the sand shows and it stinks just like the beach!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Just a bunch of good stuff....

So where do I start? Mom and Dad stopped here last night on their way back to EB. They shared their stories and pictures with us and dropped off some souvenirs...Moose Drool beer and huckleberry jam! I will have to post later what I think of them though! Mom and I picked Raider up from the vet then this morning. He is doing really great and is acting pretty normal, but there are some times when you can just look at his eyes and see the pain. Time heals all wounds! I will just have to give him some time. Once Mom and Dad left though I noticed some blood around our house that was not there before. After freaking out, calling the vet, calling mom, and worrying about Raider bleeding, we found the culprit. Star pulled a Mike Tyson on Taco!! She had snapped at Taco when Taco tried to steal her bone and she actually cut or bit his ear!!! He was bleeding pretty bad it looked like to me by looking at all the blood here, but Mom said it wasn't bad at all. I thought that was going to be my scare for the day with Raider. Just now though Ryan and I let Star and Raider out the front door before we went to bed; just like we always do. This time though our neighbors had their huge black lab just roaming around and he charged Raider and Star. Better yet, the owners didn't even come to see what dog was squeeling and yelping!!! Needless to say, I grabbed Raider super fast and gave them a little piece of my mind as I was walking back into the house. The least they could have done is watch the dog if it was outside without a leash. Raider's stitches are seeping a little now, so I will have to keep a close eye so that he doesn't lick them and that they stop bleeding.

Oh yeah and Amanda..I have one for you. I know Garrett misbehaves sometimes and does "experiments". However, some kid decided to do an experiment at the grocery store in the magazine isle this afternoon. Ryan almost stepped in it too! It wasn't any kind of medicine or throw up....nope....just poop!! Some kid had pooped in the magazine corner, left it, and then someone had stepped in it and smeared it everywhere! It was terrible!!! As we were walking off, we saw two employees walking over there and could tell they were told to go clean it up, so Ryan told them "Hey I made a bit of a mess over there" and they busted out laughing after they passed us. I'm amazed that someone did that and didn't tell anyone.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I think Sue and I both realized over our time together that we are both addicted to the blogs! We were both checking them when she was here! Thanks to Amanda for that one! :) We all had a good time while Sue and Justin were here.....or as far as I know we all did. Sue sums it up really well in her posting so i guess you need to check that out, but as soon as she left it was back to work for me-literally. Work called me at 12:30 to come in and help with early things, but I said no since they were still here. So, as soon as they pulled out, I put on my clothes, ate a quick lunch and was out the door. After work all the girls went out to eat and had a little bitch fest about managers and work in general. It was great and we might just make it a monthly thing! Other than that, the next thing I have to look foward to is 9 straight days of work. Yup. I won't have another day off until July 13 when Ryan and I plan on driving home. Something to look foward to I guess.

Tomorrow is Raider's big day! Right now my baby is NPO. He is going to the vet to have his surgery. It almost seems like he knows that he won't be able to reproduce anymore. He has been a little depressed and tired acting all day. After we drop him off, ryan and I are going to finish the crown molding at Jordan's house and start the baseboards. Big day!!

Sunday, July 02, 2006


I forgot that I needed to post these pictures. The first one is for Dee of Dad's truck if you can see it. It was still pretty dark outside when they left. This pic is of our house when we were babysitting. It was really crazy having four very playful dogs here.
And this is of Vampire Star. The pink pillow is her "princess" pillow. I don't let her lay on ANY of my pillows and don't like it when she lays on Ryan's either since it flattens them so bad. So, I gave her a pillow of her own. Here she is protecting it from Raider. This is one of my favorite faces of hers! It is hilarious!!


So, I guess you all saw the pic of Sue and me on her blog. That means that I need to get my own pic on my blog of what we have been doing. Here is one that we took this evening.

Sue and I had a lot of fun today. Ryan left early this morning and drove to Graham to spend the day with his family and Justin just hung around here playing video games and watching movies. I hope that he wasn't too bored! Sue wanted to see the Devil Wears Prada though, and we got to go. It was a funny movie and really cute too. Now I need to read the book! Then we bummed around at the mall, Old Navy, Kohl's....just walked around. Sue is a little under the weather. Either her allergies are acting up with all the different climate changes or she got a cold. We both were pretty undecisive (sp?) today. Sue and I cooked tacos tonight for Justin, which were really good. Ryan is supposed to be coming home tomorrow morning. I can't wait to see him again!