Thursday, January 31, 2008

1 more week! (by Ryan)

So Ann has 1 more week at work, and i'm real glad that she's finally leaving because that place makes her miserable. It just seems like they take advantage of her because she's the nice one, and she's willing to help people out even when she really needs to be doing other things. They call her in, and she says she will come in to help, but that she needs one of her other days off because she's falling behind in schoolwork and trying to get her internship stuff done. So her boss calls one of her co-workers to see if they can cover for her on Saturday, and they're going to be "out of town". They work Friday night, and they work again Saturday morning at 10:00, but they're going to be "out of town" and can't come in earlier to cover the supervisor shift? That's complete BS. Oh well, I wouldn't expect any different from this person.. child actually. Not even 20 years old yet, but you'd think they were 16 by the crap that they pull. So next Friday is her last day, and I guess she'll find a way to put on a happy face and tough it out.

There is good news out of this though... the day after her last day at her current job, she starts a new job as a nutrionist supervisor at WIC, which is a HUGE step up from where she's at now. Hopefully she'll actually be working with professionals and not children like she is now. And on top of all that, it's a nice pay raise over what she's getting paid now. Not to mention that this job is GREAT resume material!! She always jokes that I'm going to be her sugar daddy some day, but I'm thinking she'll be more likely to get a good paying job before I can, so I'll just get her to take me out to dinner then ;) Well she actually did take me out to dinner last night... except I paid for dinner, funny how that worked out. Oh well, it's the thought that counts, right? As long as she pays me back. Update: I think that finally got a smile out of her (she's watching over my shoulder).

And Ann also wants me to tell everyone that she was thinking about diarrhea this morning in class. Kind of weird I know... ok actually they were talking about causes of diarrhea in medical nutrition therapy, and all she could think about was Shelby's pronunciation of the word.. "Diarrina!" That's child talk for "Hold your nose when you clean the junk in my trunk".

The dogs are spoiled as usual. Raider is laying in Ann's lap with his head on my left elbow, making it hard to type, and Star is sitting on the other side admiring me like usual (and Ann too). We also discovered that both Raider and Star can jump on our bed. They usually just whine until we pick them up, but today they actually jumped! And now they're back to whining until we pick them up. Oh, and Star likes Ann's snot. She was giving Ann some kisses and started licking her nose, and when she pulled away a nice string of snot stuck between the two of them, and Star kept coming back for more.

I almost forgot, we had a snow storm this morning! Fortunately it only lasted about 2 hours and melted off the roads by lunch time, but I had to drop Ann off at class this morning cause the roads were icy and the wind was blowing about 30 mph, so she didn't want to have to park and walk a mile in that weather (I wouldn't either, it was miserable). Of course our retarded landlord STILL has our automatic sprinklers going! Our driveway is iced over in the mornings, and the neighbors' sprinkler (same landlord) just runs water to the curb, so the curb all the way down our street was just iced over (about 2 feet out onto the road). Well I guess that about covers it all. I'm sure Ann will have a lot to write about after next week! Hope to see you all soon.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Exciting Changes

Before I get started, here are some of the pics I promised a while ago. I have more to post, but they will just have to be gradual.

This is our version of "booty" dancing!!
Happy New Year! He was pretty smashed.

I really can't say a whole lot right now, but there are some new things happening that I am really happy about!! First of all, I can tell you, I got a new computer! (Thank you to Quala and Randy for an early birthday/graduation gift) My other one was not saving my assignments properly. Honestly I didn't think it was that bad until today when I opened up an essay I had written for one of my internships and it was all jumbled together and not how I had saved it. Luckily, I got a new one and have time to fix anything that might have gotten messed up by my old one. Another good note, I had an interview today that i am excited about. Just to say a little, it is another nutrition related position that would give me more new experience to put on my internship apps and resumes. Part of my responsibilities would be teaching nutrition education classes(I would not have to do the lesson plans though) and assessing nutrition status on clients. I will let you know how all of this falls into place once I am more sure of things. Countdown time is here too-only three weeks until all of my internship stuff is due. Once it is all in, it will be a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. Lastly, my house is a wreck!! I have not washed clothes all week or even picked up our living room. Since I officially started back at work, it is business as usual and I have not had a spare moment to straighten everything propperly. Tonight is the night though. My big plans include lots of homework for next week and cleaning! Have a great night!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Yes, I am still around

I know that I said I would post some pics from Mona's wedding on here and I still want to, but it has been a whirlwind since we got back home. Here are some bullets on a couple of things..
-We finally got a faster internet
- I started work this past Monday and I already feel like I am being taken advantage of. Danielle, the other supervisor I like, asked me," Why did you come back!? It is too crazy here!"
-Classes started, I have an assignment due every class period in my issues class. Plus two big assignements due in February, along with intern apps!
-I need to start my correspondance course that I must have done before April to graduate.
-Next week a case study is due in MNT
-Today alone I have worked on my GPA's for my internship apps for two and a half hours.
-Looking for a different job
-Started working out every MWF
-Writing application letters, personal letters of interest
-Organization meetings and volunteer activities (SDA, Phi U)

I will stop there. Doesn't really look like that much when I type it, but it is all getting to me. I cannot wait until I get all of my internship applications mailed off and I cannot stress about imperfections anymore. I will write more quick stuff later. Have a good Friday night!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Laundry, Laundry, Laundry and Highlights From Home

Ryan and I made it home on Friday and laundry is about the only thing I did all day Saturday. Not that I minded since it took me away from other stuff that I have been putting off! :) It feels so great to be back at our house. I loved seeing everyone and spending time with the family, but sometimes a person just needs time to themselves. I think I have finally re-couped and am ready to have company again or actually do something. Which I guess could not be better timing since they need help at work and I start classes again on Thursday. I forgot that all of my classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. While I have time I have been doing a little bit of everything; organizing, cleaning out crap, internship apps, job searching, etc. I will let you know how the job stuff turns out.
Since it would be way too difficult for me to tell you about my whole three weeks at home, I think I will tell you a few highlights of the trip...
1. Taking care of Garrett and Lance the first weekend, eating at their little table and enjoying the boys. Then Ryan and Garrett playing in leaves and the most vivid, Ryan jumping into the leaves(mostly because I have it on video). Garrett's face when he saw the three-legged dog at the Matocha's was priceless.
2. Picking Dee up at the airport. Tessa introduced herself right away by "making" all over herself when Dee was slipping a new diaper underneath. Nice to meet you too!! Shelby made sure to tell us it was her baby. Dee looked happy to have new help.
3. Shelby playing in Missy's room almost everyday. If I went into my room for anything, she followed and proceeded to play with her toys and even played pretend with my clothes.
4. Grandma's-LOTS of people! I don't know if her little house has even seen so much action! The White Elepahnt exchange was memorable, but playing with Shelby and Garrett outside sticks out the most. While Shelby was on my back, she did not say Giddy up horsey, nope, she said "Giddy up Piggy!" Talk about a confidence booster!
5. Christmas Eve-The traditional walk down to the woods, even better with Shelby and Garrett with us. As soon as everyone was done with presents, Dad took his traditional nap. (As I was looking through pictures of last Christmas I found a video of Garret "snoring" like Grandpa last year. Too cute!) Making my first ever gingerbread house with Shelby and Ryan sleeping right next to us.
6. Christmas Day- Awesome crab lunch and playing with the goats. Raider and Star were having so much fun chasing them around, playing games with the Matocha's.
7. Aunt Shirley's house- Dee playing Guitar Hereo with the boys and having the time of her life! Great food with a great family.
8. Sue, Dee and I making a trip to San Marcos for them to visit their old home and to go to the outlet mall.
9. Mona's Wedding/New Year's-Unfortunately I was not in the mood to drink a lot, but Ryan had fun and we all had so much fun with him. Shelby was dancing up a storm, while Tessa slept soundly and Dee danced with Sue and I.
That is just a few of the things that will stick in my head for a while. There are so many more like seeing Sue's classroom and surprising Mom at work, but I am attepmting to keep this short. I am just blessed to have such great families to spend the holiday with and thank you for everything while we were at home. Here are some pictures!

We got to show the boy's a real racecar, even if it wasn't Nascar.

Dee's flight was delayed about an hour and a half, so Ryan and I passes about thirty minutes of the time riding the trolley between the different terminals!

Tickle Monsters!

Cousins eating the traditional shrimp lunch at Grandma's

This was only one of the tables at Grandma's. I believe that there were two more full tables in the dining room.

Ryan and I with out "children".

I don't think Ryan and Justin were into all the childhood memories of the woods.

The "kids" at Mom and Dad's minus Gabe. :( We miss you John, Melanie and Gabe!

Decorating the gingerbread house with Shelby.

The goats safe place is that yellow thing, so Ryan was trying to flush them out so the dogs could chase them. Eventually they did come running out.

Uncle Kenny with Dee, Shelby and Tessa at Aunt Shirley's.

Aunt Shirley with the crew too. Can you tell Shelby was tired at this point?

I was lucky enough to take Shelby all by myself to see the Matocha's cattle. I think Red scared her a little with her long horns hitting the fence.

At the outlet mall in San Marcos.

I will upload some pictures of the wedding tomorrow. Our internet is acting up so it has taken me over an hour just to do this part.