Thursday, November 29, 2007

Feeling good

I finally feel like I have got some things accomplished since I left work. Understand I have been working on assignments, tests, final projects, and school activities this whole time, but yesterday I made a big step for my internship. I completed all of my recommendation letter folders AND I got them passed out to all three people!! That has taken me about a month to finish and now I just wait for a call or email saying they are done with their letters for my to pick up!! Hooray!
For my english teacher sister, I have something for you to help me with too! Time granted for both of us, I plan on having my letters of application written by the time I get home so you might be able to help me tweek them. (In other words, I need your help in making me sound smart!!) Don't worry I am willing to babysit, give you a pedicure or take you to a movie for your help! :) Plus Imight not acutally get them typed for you to read before then.
Finals start in one week, final projects have already started and I take the GRE in a week now. Time is flying! I have been dreading next week for a while now, but as soon as it gets here, I will conquer it. Then my next tasks will be taking three finals and packing to come home!!
Oh I have another Bachelorette party I am going to on Saturday. I guess that Bailey and I will be making more suckers on Saturday morning to put in our "goody" bag for our friend. Those molds have definitely gotten lots of use.
Our dryer is fixed now too, we think. It had tripped the breaker!! Actually just one of the two it is on. It was not getting enough juice to run the heater. That is fixed, so now we just have to figure out what the weird clunking/scraping sound is that we hear every so often. For now, I think we will just keep on eye on it and do some research!
Last thing, Raider has a new trick. I really like this one a lot though and I thought I would not be able to get him to do it. When Raider and Star need to go out, I let them out and leave the door barely closed. As Star finishes, she jumps on the door to open it and Raider pushes his way in with Star following. Then, (this is the cool part) I tell Raider to close the door and he does it! Now the next best thing would be if he could actually let himself out and then back in to shut the door!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Super Sunday and then the bad news...

Ryan and I had a great Sunday. Well, I guess it would have been better had it actually snowed like they said it was going to. Anyway....No snow and after being cooped up in a house for several days, I had the need to go out. So Ryan and I decided even though we couldn't really buy gifts, we could still enjoy the spirit and the joy of Christmas at the mall. We just walked around and broused. I bought some cheap sweaters sinec I have realized I only have 1 actual sweater and then about 2 sweat shirts and I live in a cold place! It was fun just enjoying the decorations, music, pushy salesmen, screaming kids, and crowded malls. No, all jokes aside we had fun getting out together. Once we got home, I washed a load of clothes and Ryan worked on homework then I went to bed. Luckily, I had already washed and dried everything I would need for the week because the dryer is not drying the clothes anymore. Then this morning, I didn't know that Ryan had already found this out and I decided to dry a shirt. The dryer sounded like a grinder! I turned it off quick, but Ryan told me he didn't hear the noise this afternoon. Basicly we have only had this dryer for about 1 1/2 years and it seems to be pooping out on us! Too bad Mom and Dad just got rid of the extra dryer they had! Anybody have any ideas?
Ryan is planning on looking at it tomorrow, so I will tell you what you decide to do. Wish us luck!! :)

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

If Mom has not already informed you, Ryan and I had a very cold and unexpected Thanksgiving. Our plans were to drive to see Ryan's grandparents (2.5 hours away) on Thursday and stay until Saturday morning. Well, as we were loading up the car on Thusday, it stated snowing! After watching the tv real quick, we realized it had just stated and it should not last long, so we got on the road. It snowed off and on for about an hour into the trip, but then the last hour and a half it was coming down pretty hard. Fortunately, we had not problems and we made it to O'ma and O'pa's about two in the afternoon to find all of this......

It was only supposed to snow a little and not stick, but it ended up being about three inches that stuck. By nightfall, the snow had slowed and eventually stopped. The next morning eerything was melting and we had a great football day staying indoors and relaxing. I was lucky and got to read about the GRE! :) This is Friday now and we are all packed up to leave Saturday morning until about ten at night the weather was chaning again! Needless to say, Ryan, Allison and I drove home last night at about midnight and got home at two thirty. The roads were not icy, it did not start snowing until five minutes outside of Lubbock and watching out for deer actually kept us all entertained! We probably saw somewhere close to fifty deer on the side of the roads, but none of them seemed to care that we were passsing them. Mostly, they looked up, saw us, looked back down and kept on eating! The interesting part was seeing a group of wild hogs on the side of the road! (about 6) Raider and Star were extremely happy to see us too. Can you believe at three in the morning Ryan and I were giving them baths so that they could sleep with us?! Now Quala and Randy are on their way home. The original plans were for them to drive here to have a Thanksgiving with us and pack up some of Allison's stuff, but with the weather being so unpredictable, they left straight from O'ma and O'pa's. Now I get to cook a Thanksgiving feast for Ryan and I for sure and Allison if she can drive across town without worrying about ice. That is pretty much the extend of my excitement. I hope your Thanksgiving was relaxing and calm!

Here are some pictures to describe all the snow and whiteness.

Oh and we have an 80% of snow tonight and tomorrow! Good thing I am at home and don't have to work! :)

Friday, November 16, 2007


Most everyone in our house has changed or is about to change wise that is. Star got a haircut last week because she looked scraggly and my quick cuts just weren't doing it anymore. Ryan, Sunday decided that he didn't want to pay to get a haircut, so he took my full length mirror out into the backyard. Before I knew what he was doing, all of his hair was gone! Ok, not gone, but a buzz cut. He wears a hat all the time anyway, so I guess it really is ok. I am tired of my hair now too and want to do something different. I think I am going to dye it darker since it is winter now. Poor Raider though, I don't think he is going to have any hair changes!
It has also been an adjustment for me to be at home so much. Last weekend was the first weekend where I did not work. It was really nice, plus I had five assignments due last week. This weekend I am focusing on my big test on Tuesday and recommendation letters for my internship. Next up on the list to do-finish my power point on my community project, study for my GRE, get all my transcripts and maybe relax a little too.
I would love to come home for Thanksgiving, but after seeing how much stuff I have to do before Christmas, I think I had better stay up here to get it all done. Ryan and I also want to spend time with his grandparents up here. It will be a mad crunch for me to get everything together for Christmas, but I am sure it will all be worth it! :)

Monday, November 05, 2007

A little of what we have been up to..

Finals are starting...not all finals, but just a couple of classes that end early in the year. I had one today and I think I have one the week after Thanksgiving. Final projects and presentations are also starting. All of this means lots of fun for me! The exciting news is that I won't be working doing all of these important assignments! Tomorrow is my last day! Yippie!! Also, this means I have to get cracking on all of my internship stuff. I started Thursday by registering to take the GRE. I have been putting off registering because I am scared and intimidated by the test, but I have to do it sooner or later if I want to apply for my internships. December 5th is the date, so say a pray for that one! I have also found out that Dec. 12 is my last final so Ryan and I will be home sometime after that. We both are so excited to spend lots of time with our families and get to see everyone plus our new addition-Tessa! This year it isn't just a quick trip which is great since I am majorly homesick! :( I need some family time desperately.

Here are some pics from last weekend when Ryan's parents and Allison came up for the Colorado game.

Star and Raider are also ready to come home....look at their festive outfits! Santa's little helpers!?