Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It's almost that time!

Everyday it is just another tease for me right now. I keep thinking this day will be good, I will haev one less final to worry about. Well, it just seems like everyday is another day that goes by that I am not at home yet. Finals are dragging on and on and I was hoping that I would feel good about the one I took today since it was my hardest one. However I only feel more frustrated that I did not study more than I did. Oh and I realized I forgot my calculator, which the whole test was calculations on tube feedings and TPN and every two questions after the calculation was about the calculation. So, I set up all of my problems and then Bailey was done by that time with her calculator and the teacher let me use hers. I was extremely greatful! Still I am happy it is over, but I am dredding the consequences.
Now, I am occupying my time with another final. This one is a take-home final. I made the mistake of thinking, oh it is a take-home, so easy! NO! Not al all! The final is extremely time consuming because I have to have research articles to back up everything I say. Grrrr.

I had a major freak moment after my MNT test today though-my car is acting up! Two days until I get a break and I won't be able to drive my car!! The diagnosis is a headlight that is out. The symptoms that my car is displaying are check ingine light flashing when I put the car into a gear, clicking in my dash and then the check engine light stays on. Weird!? Anyway, Ryan and I are pretty sure that my headlight is just burned out (which is weird because this is the same headlight they had to replace in June when that guy busted up my car) and we are about to go replace it. If we have complications, we will be notifying you!
(I don't know if you could tell, but I have MNT on the brain! I had to use some medical terms in that paragraph)

Friday, December 07, 2007

Two Sighs of Relief

That is right, one sigh that the major presentation of my semester long project is done and the second sigh goes to my GRE being done and over with!! It has been a rough week for me. It wasn't even the end that hit me hard, just the beginning and middle.

Now, I have lots of new worries for this coming week. The first one hit me on this past Tuesday after my persentaion was finished. So, I keep saying my "semester long" project, but it was actually two months, anyhow I finshed the presentatino, then our teacher handed out our take home final. I was dreading it, but it was even more extremem than I thought. Just to sum it all up, I have to do my rpoject all over again on another population, with more deatil, and in six days instead of two months!

Another concern is doing that plus studying for the other two finals I have. Both of them I need to make an A on to guarantee a good grade. Plus, I really really want to start packing for home. Purposely, I planned on the 13th to be my packing day so that I would not pack at all until finals were over. It is just hard.

Here are some pics from last weekend. Yes, ANOTHER bachelorette party! One more friend getting married before me and then another got engaged this weekend and is planning her wedding already. It kinda sucks, but our wedding will be that much more worth it!

My first friend at Tech: Lauren

Amanda, Bailey and Ashley

Me and Bailey, Susie is "friends" with her now too! :)

Monday, December 03, 2007

Ok, reallll quick. Wish me luck for the next two days! Tomorrow I have a major final project presentation that I have been working on all weekend. Then Wednesday is my BIG test-GRE!!! Yikes! I will be studying for that tomorrow after my power point presentation is over!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Feeling good

I finally feel like I have got some things accomplished since I left work. Understand I have been working on assignments, tests, final projects, and school activities this whole time, but yesterday I made a big step for my internship. I completed all of my recommendation letter folders AND I got them passed out to all three people!! That has taken me about a month to finish and now I just wait for a call or email saying they are done with their letters for my to pick up!! Hooray!
For my english teacher sister, I have something for you to help me with too! Time granted for both of us, I plan on having my letters of application written by the time I get home so you might be able to help me tweek them. (In other words, I need your help in making me sound smart!!) Don't worry I am willing to babysit, give you a pedicure or take you to a movie for your help! :) Plus Imight not acutally get them typed for you to read before then.
Finals start in one week, final projects have already started and I take the GRE in a week now. Time is flying! I have been dreading next week for a while now, but as soon as it gets here, I will conquer it. Then my next tasks will be taking three finals and packing to come home!!
Oh I have another Bachelorette party I am going to on Saturday. I guess that Bailey and I will be making more suckers on Saturday morning to put in our "goody" bag for our friend. Those molds have definitely gotten lots of use.
Our dryer is fixed now too, we think. It had tripped the breaker!! Actually just one of the two it is on. It was not getting enough juice to run the heater. That is fixed, so now we just have to figure out what the weird clunking/scraping sound is that we hear every so often. For now, I think we will just keep on eye on it and do some research!
Last thing, Raider has a new trick. I really like this one a lot though and I thought I would not be able to get him to do it. When Raider and Star need to go out, I let them out and leave the door barely closed. As Star finishes, she jumps on the door to open it and Raider pushes his way in with Star following. Then, (this is the cool part) I tell Raider to close the door and he does it! Now the next best thing would be if he could actually let himself out and then back in to shut the door!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Super Sunday and then the bad news...

Ryan and I had a great Sunday. Well, I guess it would have been better had it actually snowed like they said it was going to. Anyway....No snow and after being cooped up in a house for several days, I had the need to go out. So Ryan and I decided even though we couldn't really buy gifts, we could still enjoy the spirit and the joy of Christmas at the mall. We just walked around and broused. I bought some cheap sweaters sinec I have realized I only have 1 actual sweater and then about 2 sweat shirts and I live in a cold place! It was fun just enjoying the decorations, music, pushy salesmen, screaming kids, and crowded malls. No, all jokes aside we had fun getting out together. Once we got home, I washed a load of clothes and Ryan worked on homework then I went to bed. Luckily, I had already washed and dried everything I would need for the week because the dryer is not drying the clothes anymore. Then this morning, I didn't know that Ryan had already found this out and I decided to dry a shirt. The dryer sounded like a grinder! I turned it off quick, but Ryan told me he didn't hear the noise this afternoon. Basicly we have only had this dryer for about 1 1/2 years and it seems to be pooping out on us! Too bad Mom and Dad just got rid of the extra dryer they had! Anybody have any ideas?
Ryan is planning on looking at it tomorrow, so I will tell you what you decide to do. Wish us luck!! :)

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

If Mom has not already informed you, Ryan and I had a very cold and unexpected Thanksgiving. Our plans were to drive to see Ryan's grandparents (2.5 hours away) on Thursday and stay until Saturday morning. Well, as we were loading up the car on Thusday, it stated snowing! After watching the tv real quick, we realized it had just stated and it should not last long, so we got on the road. It snowed off and on for about an hour into the trip, but then the last hour and a half it was coming down pretty hard. Fortunately, we had not problems and we made it to O'ma and O'pa's about two in the afternoon to find all of this......

It was only supposed to snow a little and not stick, but it ended up being about three inches that stuck. By nightfall, the snow had slowed and eventually stopped. The next morning eerything was melting and we had a great football day staying indoors and relaxing. I was lucky and got to read about the GRE! :) This is Friday now and we are all packed up to leave Saturday morning until about ten at night the weather was chaning again! Needless to say, Ryan, Allison and I drove home last night at about midnight and got home at two thirty. The roads were not icy, it did not start snowing until five minutes outside of Lubbock and watching out for deer actually kept us all entertained! We probably saw somewhere close to fifty deer on the side of the roads, but none of them seemed to care that we were passsing them. Mostly, they looked up, saw us, looked back down and kept on eating! The interesting part was seeing a group of wild hogs on the side of the road! (about 6) Raider and Star were extremely happy to see us too. Can you believe at three in the morning Ryan and I were giving them baths so that they could sleep with us?! Now Quala and Randy are on their way home. The original plans were for them to drive here to have a Thanksgiving with us and pack up some of Allison's stuff, but with the weather being so unpredictable, they left straight from O'ma and O'pa's. Now I get to cook a Thanksgiving feast for Ryan and I for sure and Allison if she can drive across town without worrying about ice. That is pretty much the extend of my excitement. I hope your Thanksgiving was relaxing and calm!

Here are some pictures to describe all the snow and whiteness.

Oh and we have an 80% of snow tonight and tomorrow! Good thing I am at home and don't have to work! :)

Friday, November 16, 2007


Most everyone in our house has changed or is about to change wise that is. Star got a haircut last week because she looked scraggly and my quick cuts just weren't doing it anymore. Ryan, Sunday decided that he didn't want to pay to get a haircut, so he took my full length mirror out into the backyard. Before I knew what he was doing, all of his hair was gone! Ok, not gone, but a buzz cut. He wears a hat all the time anyway, so I guess it really is ok. I am tired of my hair now too and want to do something different. I think I am going to dye it darker since it is winter now. Poor Raider though, I don't think he is going to have any hair changes!
It has also been an adjustment for me to be at home so much. Last weekend was the first weekend where I did not work. It was really nice, plus I had five assignments due last week. This weekend I am focusing on my big test on Tuesday and recommendation letters for my internship. Next up on the list to do-finish my power point on my community project, study for my GRE, get all my transcripts and maybe relax a little too.
I would love to come home for Thanksgiving, but after seeing how much stuff I have to do before Christmas, I think I had better stay up here to get it all done. Ryan and I also want to spend time with his grandparents up here. It will be a mad crunch for me to get everything together for Christmas, but I am sure it will all be worth it! :)

Monday, November 05, 2007

A little of what we have been up to..

Finals are starting...not all finals, but just a couple of classes that end early in the year. I had one today and I think I have one the week after Thanksgiving. Final projects and presentations are also starting. All of this means lots of fun for me! The exciting news is that I won't be working doing all of these important assignments! Tomorrow is my last day! Yippie!! Also, this means I have to get cracking on all of my internship stuff. I started Thursday by registering to take the GRE. I have been putting off registering because I am scared and intimidated by the test, but I have to do it sooner or later if I want to apply for my internships. December 5th is the date, so say a pray for that one! I have also found out that Dec. 12 is my last final so Ryan and I will be home sometime after that. We both are so excited to spend lots of time with our families and get to see everyone plus our new addition-Tessa! This year it isn't just a quick trip which is great since I am majorly homesick! :( I need some family time desperately.

Here are some pics from last weekend when Ryan's parents and Allison came up for the Colorado game.

Star and Raider are also ready to come home....look at their festive outfits! Santa's little helpers!?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Leave of Absence

Yes, after complaining and discussing my situation at work for a while with friends and family, I will officially be on a leave of adsence on Nov. 6. There is so much BS going on at that place right now and some people that I just cannot work with everyday. I realize that must sound really childish because I know you just can't quit a job just because you don't get along with the people you work with. My answer to that is two fold: 1.This is not a career for me, it is just a way for me to make money while I go to school. 2.My body physically and my relationships with friends and with others were getting neglected. I consider myself to be a cheerful person overall, but when I do not have a good day all week because I am dreading ONE day of work!! That is not good! Also, this job is causing my grades to drop! Yikes! I have been so tired and stressed out from work that by the time I get home, I have to energy for homework and studying! Anyway, there are some reasons why I have decided to take a break. I was planning on quitting, but my boss suggested instead to take a leave of absence until February. If I want to come back, I just call her and tell her when I can work. If I do not want to go back to work there, then she will submit my paperwork so that I will no longer be employed there. For me, at the moment, it is a win-win situation!!
Here is the good part for everyone else...I get to spend as much time at home or wherever as I want!! Now Ryan won't be able to make a weekend trip home without me! :) Honestly, I think my jealousy of him just driving home to see everyone set off my homesickness and now has triggered the deep thoughts about work.

I am getting back to homework now....even thinking of not working is mtivating me to do my homeowrk!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Man...I love Gameday!!!!

Yes, Saturday was a fantastic day. I really didn't care too much about anything, but going to the game with Ryan. This game was the last time Ryan and I would get to sit in the student section at Tech together. It made for a sad moment for me, but Ryan was just thinking of getting season tickets! How we are going to use all of them if we live in Houston is not even in the equation right now! Priorities will even themselves out though once they come up and I am sure that Tech sesson tickets will have to wait until way down the line.

Anyhow, we got to go to the game and it was so much fun. Even though the student section was not angels, they seemed to tone down their aggressiveness towards the other teams more; at least the section we were sitting in. I thought it was funny that when the fight song first played the students were still saying "we will f**** kick their a**, " but once their realized that the majority around them was not saying that, they converted to the right words. ( Hit "em, wreck 'em, hit 'em wreck 'em Texas Tech) I was happy that peer pressure and majority won out on that one. There were some other instances during the game though when I thought the students were being a lot less than classy about the AM band and the vick 'em shirts, but you are not gong to see a complete 180 from the students in just 1 week. It will probably take years to reverse how bad they have gotten. The campus and student life organizations are starting programs and encouraging better attitudes from the students. Finally!!!

Here are some pictures of all the fun we had......

In order Michael Crabtree, one of the spirit shops had this thing sitting outside their store for attention... Yes, that is a car under there.

Raider had his pimp suit on for good luck! Only problem is that I ripped it putting it on him since his bones have gotten bigger! Yeah right....he has gained weight! I guess I am bad at animal nutrition, I just hope it doesn't reflect elsewhere!
The Goin' Bank taking the field at the beginning of the game.
The Masked Rider is running across the field in this one, making his grand entrance. The masked rider is really cool this year. It is a guy intead of a girl and he has a spanish mustache and goatee!!
Ryan and Allison showing off their guns..
One of the last plays of the game....Michael Crabtree received the ball in this play and ran it down to about the 15 yard line!! Whenever Ryan used to say "He is a really good player" I was like yeah, okay. Seriously though crabtree is amazing! I can actually see it myself!
The game had not started yet, so we were taking pictures to pass the hour we had to sit and wait. Ryan and I didn't intend to wear the same shirt and hats, it just happend that way. I promise!
Of course, the aftermath of the game. Funny thing is my concealer had SPF in it, but my powder didn't so I have a little circle on my face! Pretty funny but also embarassing. I got burned only on the left side of my fae, both knees(but no my legs of ankles) my left is is as red as a crab (hehe) and my neck is terrible too. Ryan's neck is even worse than mine and he was there one hour less! Oh and I had my hat on, hence the no sun above my eyes. It was all worth it though! I was very happy to say I was an Aggie and I am now a Red Raider and I really enjoyed watching them play each other.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I have good news!!

Yes, plans have changed and I get to go to the game on Saturday!! Ryan has a ticket and gets to go with me too! It is a great night! At the moment, Ryan, Allison and I are going, but Bailey and her boyfriend will go with us too if he is feeling better.
Today has been a really long and tiring day though. I have been going since 6 AM this morning. Class at eight to twelve, errands to run next, then class from 3:30 to 5, got a smoothie, meetings from 6-8. Finally I am at home watching Grey's and trying to get ready for volunteer work and work tomorrow! Woo Hooo! I hope you had some good news today too!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Alright I have to make this quick because I am working on Medical Nutritional Therapy and just taking a break. I can't break the concentration too long!

I fixed my hair today and thought I could show you guys how I fix it. Ryan actually likes it this way, plus I do too! :) Other than that, nothing too great going on. One of the supervisors at work was will have to call me to get more dish on that.....she is coming back tomorrow though. I will not get to go to the Tech vs. Texas AM game and I am really pissed off. Of course I don't want to be lumped into the group of retards that we have here at Tech that have no sportsman ship and make ridiculous shirts and are proud of them! Just to let you all know that incase you see something on the news about Tech. I was not part of it nor do I agree with all that crap! Tech students should respect and honor other schools and just let the game be played.

Enough ranting......I only have eight more weeks of my second to last semester!! Yeah! I am goig to look at rings again soon and hopefully buy one eventually. I hope all is well with you!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

I finally made it through one of the craziest weeks I have ever had in college. Ontop of all of the extra stress at work, this past week I had four tests and four assignments due. I had my first test in the class that will decide if I get to leave this town in May or not and I did so so. For some reason on the first test in any class I take, before I know how the teacher sets up the tests, I make the same average on every test-around a 70. This time was no different. I was a little dissappointed since I did study for about twleve hours straight for it, but the grade could have been a lot worse considering it was over tube feedings, lab values, calculating nitrogen balance and more fun stuff I know sounds really boring.

Ryan's parents made it into town this weekend. Friday they were visiting Quala's parents, so Ryan and I drove to meet them there. It was only a two and a half hour drive, but we had all kind of craziness on the drive-out of nowhere in the dark, we had to slam on our brakes for a balloon!!!, the moon looked creepy-just like a classic halloween movie moon, we almost hit one deer right in the middle of the road, and saw seven more, we saw two porcupines!!(I have never seen one in person i don't believe!) We made in to see O'ma and O'pa about ten, talked and then hit the sack. In the morning we got to spend a little more time talking and then drove back to LBK for the big game! I don't know if anyone actually got to see the game, but we won 75-7. A blowout, but our defense needed to work on things and I thnk this helped. I felt bad for the otehr team though. Afterwards, we ate Olive Garden(yum) and came home to settle in for the night. For me it ended up only being two hours because I got the pleasure of working this morning! Now I am nuturing myself as it seems I am getting a cold or some kind of sickness. Go figure!

During all of my activities last week, I really needed a haircut. I wouldn't let myself get one since it would take some much time away from studying. Instead it was my incentive to finish the week.I got my haircut on Friday and I pretty much let the girl do what she wanted to. I trust her a lot since she is a friend of a friend and has done a super job on everyone else that I have seen. I don't think I was an exceptino to that! My hair is definitely something I have not done before and to me is daring compared to how long it used to be. can tell me what you think. This is actually the way my stylist fixedit, and I don't think some people liked it too much. I fix it differnently though and will have to post a pic of that way when I get it.

I am going to straighten up a little here and chug down some fluids to fight this yuckiness I have. Have a fantastic week!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The week in Review

Since I did not have any time this week to post, I figured that I would just give you a summary of how crazy this week was. It all started last Sunday when I got called into work at 8:00 AM because the supervisor who was there needed to go to the ER. So, I rushed my tush to work and stayed there until about five. Then I got to do the really fun stuff called homework. I had three assignments due this week already. Monday started later, thankfully. I had class at eleven until five thirty, then came home to clean house and start on more assignments. Tuesday marked the best day of the week! (totally sarcastic!!!) I woke up at six, went to class from 8-12, rushed to get to work by 12:30 and then had a terrible day. We were so short handed that I did the jobs that four people would normally do. Oh and let's not forget that I just about put in my two weeks notice because I was so mad our manager and staff. I got home that night around nine. Suddenly when I walked in my front door, my mood changed immediately. Allison had cleaned our house and got me supper!! Ryan had to work until 11, and he was surprised too. Wednesday I slept in, ran errands and then went to class at two until five. Thursday was also exhausting. I got on campus at 7:30 and didn't leave until 8:30 that night. The whole time I was in class, working on homework or attending meetings. Friday things started looking up. I woke up early, got lots of homework done and then went to work at three. It was actually a good day at work too. Then today hit....a relatively good day except that the same supervisor that was mentioned in the beginning as going to the ER last weekend had to made another visit there last night. So, she will not be working all weekend now. Jordan came in this morning to cover the other girl's shift today and now I have to go in tomorrow morning to cover tomorrow. I guess the week is beginning the same way it started last week. I will have to be there at 4:30 in the morning. At least I will have the afernoon to rest some and finish the homework I had planned on doing tonight.
I have my first test next week and it is guranteed to be a doozy. The teacher said if you have doubts about something now to come talk to her because if you wait until after you get your first test score back, then you might as well plan on failing! Thanks for the encouragement, right?! Good things to look foward to! :) I really hope all of your schedules are more flexible and easy going than mine. Enjoy the fresh start to a brand new week.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Just a Real Quick List...

Ok, so here is what I have been up to in a summary...
-started school
-majorly stressed already
-overworked from having the pleasure to work 5-eight hour days in a row ontop of all the school
-bought new tires today
-starting on homework for next week
I know I really haven't put much up here lately, it has just been really hard to make extra time so far. I still don't have all of my finanacial aid in so I have been working with fixing that and I am in the process of getting all of my "school supplies." You know the usual....white dress shirt, books, a scarlett tie, binders, black non-slip shoes, etc. I am working in a restaurant for part of a lab that is why I have some funny supplies thrown in there. I actually have to wait tables this semester. Fun fun!! I gotta get back to some online homework! Have a great end of the week!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Just wanted to see if I can make everyone happy like me today....It is the "baby's" LAST first day of school!! Now all I have to do is make sure I pass everything! :) Have a Happy Monday!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Finally Something to Look Foward to!

Ryan and I decided before school starts for me on Monday that we would take some time off together from work. Well, that is where I am at right now...on a mini vacation with my sweetie. It definitely was something to look foward to all week long for me since work has been so unpredictable and for Ryan, since his boss is such a you know what. So, we are only about an hour and a half from Lubbock, but we were able to go see Palo Duro Canyon like we have been saying we were going to since we moved to Lubbock-three years ago! I went in May with Quala and Alli, which meant that this time I kinda played tour guide. It was a lot of fun. Ryan and I really enojoy hiking(when we both don't have bugs swarming us!). Today we didn't even hike a whole mile and we weren't climbing up a mountain at a steep elevation. Either way, I think we both wished that we lived closer to mountains or valleys that we could hike up. Really great exercise and So much to see!!
After we were done hiking and souvenier shopping Ryan wanted to go to another place he learned about in his Art class-Cadillac Ranch. So, we look up directions on the internet and we drove out there. All it is is old Cadillacs buried half way in the dirt, sticking straight up in the air. It really doesn't sound too great, but you are encouraged to bring paint and then paint anything you want on the cars. Funny as it sounds, it was a lot of fun! The wind almost knocked us over in both places today(excuse the hair) but it was tons of fun just relaxing and exploring new things together. Here are some pictures and I am sure Ryan will post somethng later too.
(by Ryan)
The following website gives the story about Cadillac Ranch. it's considered a modern public art piece, and people come from all over the world to dusty old Amarillo, Texas, just to see it and add to it.

Ryan's famous pose:

Can you see the amazing canyon behind us? It is really hard to take a picture yourself and try to get a great background too.

Here is the view without us hogging the frame.

Just a pretty background:

Can you see Ryan in this picture? He is wearing a red shirt and kahkis shorts. I had to yell at him to come back because I thought I heard a rattlesnake! I guess it was just me being a pansy!

Now you see the "cave" from the outside or from the road...

Now you see it from the inside....

This is the Cadillac Ranch. I thought the cars might be kinda old and rusty since they have been there for so long, but the paint was so thick on them that you counldn't even see the lug nuts on the tires!!

I decided to get inside the car to paint something. Less likely that someone else will paint over it!

I figured that the cars would be pretty much multi-colored and no matter how dark you sprayed something on, it was not going to show. So, Ryan and I bought black paint to put a backdrop and then red to write ontop of black. It was a good idea since the most popular colors on the cars were red and black!!! Ryan did a really good job painting after all his experience painting racecars.

His finished product:

Ryan helped me stand on the top of the car to reach a place that was still blank.

Ryan didn't need my help climbing up his car to write on the top. Ryan was in a big climbing mood today...everything he saw he told me, "hmmmmm I wonder how I can get to the top of that!" I told him he must have that in common with John!

We had someone take our picture, thankfully. You actually get the whole view!

Friday, August 17, 2007

It does not seem like it has been too long since I posted. I guess when you really are doing nothing more than working, the days just all blend in. Work has been driving me crazy this past week. One of the supervisors had a nasty rumor that someone started, then she was having problems at home too. So, she called in a couple of days and also has a sour attitude when she is there. Usually when she calls in I work, unless she "fixes" the schedule before she leaves the next day. Instead of calling in, she will call the third superviser and ask if she wants to work, therefore bypassing me completely. Mom heard a lot about this last night. It is okay now I think. Sorry I hate talking about work so much, but that is really all that I am doing right now. Today I got the day off....practically had to beg for it and I have to be at work at 4:30 in the morning. Anyway, I spent my day cleaning mostly. I washed clothes and wanted to wash my car. It has been drizzling and just gloomy outside all day. Not a good day to wash the car.

It is good that I work in the morning tomorrow since Randy, Quala, and Allison will be in town tomorrow night. They are moving Alli up here. The plan right now is work, nap, then they get here, move in, eat, sleep, etc.... I am really looking forward to seeing all of them. I guess I will get to see Alli a lot more now since she will be up here with us! Cooking supper for three some nights?? We shall see.

Classes start in a week. It is crazy to think this is the last fall that I have in classes and even here in Lubbock. Exciting!! Bailey and I are going to go on Monday or Tuesday and look at Tech rings so that we can get one!! This is my senior year! It might be a tough one though with all the classes I am taking-15 hours. It really doesn't sound like a lot just thinking about the hours, but the classes are all really involved. Plus, I might be working Saturday and/or Sunday mornings this semester, which will give me time in the afternoon to do homework, as long as I am not dog tired from getting up so early.

I better go. I need to call John back. Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Out with the Old, In with the New(er)

Ryan has conquered his task of learning to ride a motorcycle. Today he actually took his driving test and got his motorcycle license. So why the title you ask? That is because he bought his current bike as a learning bike and now that he knows how to ride and is confident he will not drop the bike, he has purchased a new(er) bike. I really was worried about what he was getting himself into, you know the normal gilr/fiance freak out moment. But, he was smart about it all and got a really good deal. The bike he got is a 2001 Honda CBR 929 RR. It is in mint condition though and only has about 2500 miles on it. Apparently, anywhere he rides it, he gets comments on how great it looks. Since I don't ride with him, I don't know but I do know that he is about as proud of his bike as I am of my ring! That is pretty proud!! We named it already too...Maverick 2.1. Pictures following!...

I had a big issue today too. When I was home in Houston, Mom, Dee, Sue and I went to a jewelry store. There was a necklace that I bought that was glass, which I have only worn twice since I bought it, and it was my favorite necklace! Well, today I was putting it on and I had a vision of my dropping it and I told myself don't do that. Do you know what I did next? Yup. I dropped it. The glass pendant shattered all over the bathroom floor. I was so pissed at myself!! That started a series of brain farts for the rest of the day.

Everything else around here is business as usual. Ryan is supposed to be part time at his job and this week he was scheduled for 47 hours. He has already talked to his manager about it and they told him until they find him help, that is how it is going to be. I feel really bad for him. I know exactly how that feels and I wish that I could do something to help him with homework or work. The best I can do is just keep washing his clothes and make sure he wakes up on time. :) He will see my crazy side once school starts. One of our supervisors at my job is most likely leaving(the one that works like 50 hours a week). That could make an even tougher fall for me if they rely on my to take most of those hours on myself.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Making it through-

Ryan and I are making it through the summer. I can't believe it is already August-I am still trying to get money for school in order! The good news...this is the last year I have to worry about getting money in order for school!! Next, I will have to worry about money while I am interning! Woo Hoo! I am ready to take the next step to my career. My car has crossed a mile stone also, Betty now has 100,00 miles on her! I still love my car though. Ryan and I have to get my transmission fluid and filter changed though(didn't know that was supposed to happen every 50,000 miles) and my oil needs to be changed again. All routine checkups for her. Ryan's car is in good shape, however Maverick 2.0 (notorcycle) isn't in such good shape. Ryan has been taking him to work everyday and on his way home Monday, something started knocking. Anyway, this motorcycle was just his beginner bike to start with and now he is looking at getting something newer and more dependable. He didn't buy the bike he wanted to start with because he didn't want to scrap it up or anything while he was learning. Now he feels like a pro at riding. I will keep you up on that.
I cut my hair yersterday too. Nothing really different, just a trim. I actually wanted more cut off, but Ryan said he likes it a lot plus it is easy for me to fix. Bailey got her nails done while I got a haircut. Tuesday was her last day at work, so after work we all surprised her by having a get together at my house after work. She had no idea it was coming. Usually for someone's last day we have cake, so all night long she was hinting how disappointed she was that noone thought to celebrate her leaving. I think she rethought that when I opened the door to my house though! Good food and good friends!
I already told Sue, but if anyone else has read 'My Sister's Keeper" you might be interested. They are making it into a movie. Cameron Diaz will play the mom. Something else for me to go see!
Now, I have to wash some dishes. I made crab stuffed salmon last night, but I didn't do any of the dishes yet. Some nights I feel like Dad and do the dishes right away, others I am Mom and just rinse and finish washing in the morning! Thanks for the great mix of both of you!

Friday, July 27, 2007

First Day Follow Up

Ryan didn't really have any complaints about his new job yesturday. He sounded excited about all the things he can do to pass the time compared to his previous job where he just walked around Sears all day long. I just got back from Ace actually. Ryan forgot his keys for the store on his car keychain and drove his bike today. So, I got to the store and an employee had to page him! :) It was kinda fun. Oh plus Ryan sold me some screws to hang up a shelf.

I had a rough day at work yesterday. Thursday are always bad, plus there was a meeting for the whole staff except for supervisors. So, dinner was pretty late for the hospital last night. Plus, we have been waiting for the health inspector to come and guess waht!! Yesterday was the big day! The good news is that my boss recognized and complimented me on how good of a job I do and how mature and responsible I am compared to others that we have. That made me feel great since I was really starting to get down on my job! :) To end the day, I usually get home at 8:30 but I got home at 9:45 last night. Yuck! Today I am off and then I have to work 4 days straight, one of which is a 10 hour day and the others are 8s. I am going to be exhausted.

After printing out my school schedule, I realized I will not have class at all on Fridays this semester!! I have class at 11-5:20 on Mondays, 8-5:30 on Tuesdays, 11-11:50 on Wednesdays, 8-5:30 on Thursdays and then nothing on Friday!! Woo Hooo. We will see what days I will get to supervise at work now.

I was looking through some pictures and found some really cute ones from different times in the summer. I thought I would post them since I haven't really seen them on anyone else's blogs yet. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Backl Down to Two

Yup, Ryan and I are back to two pets-Raider and Star. Usually cats are really clean, but Scarlett was a mess! Our whole guest bathroom was covered in litter and when she ate, she got food in the water and all over the counter. Basicly, I think we learned that we are not cat people. We will be sticking to dogs from now on.

Today I pretty much spent the day cleaning up after our orphan. Plus I made cookies for tomorrow at work because I know it is going to be a rough one. Ryan and I rearranged our media room last night and finished it today. We put our big chair back in the room so that I can read textbooks in here comfortably and so he could play Xbox in here without driving me bonkers in the living room and kitchen.

Ryan got a job too! He starts work tomorrow at Ace Hardware. He is really looking foward to it. I could tell he was getting really iritated with no call backs from a lot of applications he put in and from the lack of jobs to apply for.

Ryan and I went out with some friends last Friday night. Here are a couple of pics of that fun.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

More pictures of Scarlet

i doubt anyone is looking at our blog lately but i'll post some more pictures of the new kitten

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

We adopted another one!

Once again one of our neighbors got a pet they couldn't keep. They told us they had gotten a kitten this past weekend and already last night they were talling us how they didn't want the kitten. So this morning Ryan and I are leaving and see the kitten on our front porch(we share one with the neighbors) by itself. We played with it for a little bit and then walked to the car. Well, she followed us! I put her back on the porch and ran to the car, but then she chased us into the road and sat there waiting for us to come back! We turned around, knocked on the neighbors door, and somewhere in the short conversation we had, I had volunteered for us to take the kitten. Ryan and I weren't planning on gettting a kitten, but we didn't want to come home to kitten splat either. The neighbor actually told me they had left her outside hoping someone would take her or she would wonder off!!! Anyway, we have her now. She has already taught Star a couple of things, (since Star acts like a cat half the time anyway) like how to meow! Plus, being a typical cat, she has already found the aquarium all by herself! We have named her Scarlett. Sue wanted me to post a picture of her so that she could tell me if the name fit. So what do you think? Is she a Scarlett?