Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Taking a break from doing homework and orientation worksheets right now to tell you a little bit more about my experience so far. I thought that I had to buy a lot of books for my undergrad, but I was so wrong! Just for this summer session I bought 5 books, had one given to me from TWU(amazing!!), had to buy a lab coat and I am still discovering supplies I will need! By the way mom, the pocket medical dictionary was actually a reference material that was highly recommended that we buy, soooo you saved me some money by getting me one for free! :) I am going to put it to good use it seems! Today I actually had orientation at a hospital and I feel pretty good about things. The computer program that I will be using a lot is actually one that I used in Lubbock all the time at the hospital, so check there. I think I am the only intern that has any kind of previous hospital experience! Even though UMC was not fun for me, it seems like the experience will be so much more resourceful this next year and make it less stressful for me now. I guess being stressed out in my undergrad was ok then, right? (justifying my stress!!! yuck) Also, I have been proud of myself lately. There have been no late night calls to mom crying over something teeny tiny and no anxiety like I expected from starting something so life-altering. Progress I guess!
These past two days have gotten me really excited about the internship and my career. I can see how the internship will help put the information that I have to good use in the real world. That is really good since I thought the whole intership process was dumb in the beginning.
Back to my reading and assignments...night!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Becoming an Adult.....Still

Today was full of grown up responsibilities!! New ones too! Of course there is the internship that started today, duh! But the day started out with even bigger excitement....
The first order of business as soon as anyone wakes up is to releive their bladder, so I am no exception to that rule; however this morning was different.Going to bed last night, we did not realize that the toliet was clogged. First thing this morning, I found out it was clogged and completed the grown up task of plunging the toliet!! A first for me!! Grown up task #1 for the day....
Let me not forget to say that the second grown up task this morning was killing a roach! Yuck! Bonus for me because I did not wake up Ryan by screaming!
Lastly, the most important by far, today was my first day as a graduate student and intern. At the moment I am overloaded, exhausted, confused and I have not even walked into a hospital yet to get lost! The whole process seems overwhelming, but I am enthusiastic about all of it and can't wait for another day of information!