Monday, April 24, 2006

The AC War Continues....

Well, I thought that my and my rooomates had discussed and resolved our AC problen, but I guess not really. For three days I have walked in either from work or just being at Ryan's and our AC is turned up to 95 degrees so that it will not turn on at all. That would be fine if it were about 30 outside, plus we ALL decided to leave it at 76-80 degrees all the time. They always write me notes on the frig or dryer to tell me waht I am doing wrong and usually I fix it and shrug it off. I am more of the talk it out type and we have already tried that technique for our problem. So, this time, I wrote them a note and put it on the AC. I hope that they either talk to me about the problem or else stop messing with the AC. It will be a great vacation to come home for a while and be away from them. Right now I am kinda stressing overmy absences in my Monday, Wednesday, Friday class. I am going to miss one on Friday and then one on Monday but if I miss too m any then I am dropped a letter grade! ANyway, I am in the process of fixing that one. I gotta go now. I have a project to do, test to study for, a comforter to wash and lots of packing and cleaning to do!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

A Great Saturday

Miraculously, I had yesterday off. Ryan and I had planned on going to lay out by the pool all weekend long, but that didn't happen. Even though, it was still so great! Friday night we played poker with some friends, then sat in the hottub for a while together. Oh yeah and we went to get Whataburger taquitos! So, we slept in yesterday(fantastic!) to about twelve!! When we finally crawled out of bed, we took showers and then stpent the day just dirving around picking up things we needed and just relaxing. We found the house that we want to build when it comes time. I won't say much else about it becuase I know we will be going back to take pictures. The house is so awesome looking! When we got back to the apartment we wanted to go lay out then, but there was a DJ yestreday here and people were everywhere!!! Instead, we layed back down in bed and watched tv for a couple of hours. Ryan took my out to the Olive Garden for supper and then I started studying as soon as we got home for Sanitation and Anatomy Lab. I didn't get too far though because Ryan and I started playing poker and stayed up until three!!! I couldn't get him to go all in and I couldn't go all in enough times to knock him out! Finally, I knew I was going to lose, but I went all in just so that we could go to bed! It was just a lot of fun with him and me. Talk to you guys soon. I am getting ready for work now.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Let it rain, let it rain!

It is finally raining!! I bought rain boots last spring when I moved up here because Ryan was complaining of so much rain and flooding here. Then, it didn't even rain when I was here! So, I finally got to wear my rain boots today! I was really excited. Sad to say, but I forgot what it was like to see and hear rain almost. I have my window open and it sounds so great right now outside on the carports. It isn't lightning or thundering very much though.
Today was a great day! Since I had a really really bad day at work last night( I was getting yelled at for going above and beyond the call of duty by delivering 3 floors instead of 2 plus more which I won't go into) I came home and drank some wine. Then Ryan and I went to relax in the hot tub. It was fantastic. Of course, this morning I was kinda feeling under the weather from the wine so I didn't make it to my 11:00 class. I did make it to my 2:00 lab though! It felt so good just to relax, take my time, not have to work today, and not going to class! The bad news is that my lab partner is in the hospital with possible lukemia. So, say a prayer for her. She had to drop all of her classes only two weeks from the end.
I guess I should try to pack some things up and clean out my car. It isn't too long from now until I get to drive home and see everyone! I am super duper excited!! hehe Barney!! I need to get some things together from Vegas so that hopefully my sisters would teach me some tricks of scrapbooking if there is any time! :) Plus I have plenty to do with school work and projects. So now I am on the phone with mom and she is talking a lot, so I will talk to all of you later!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A calmer day

Ok, I might have been a little bit steamed yesterday when I wrote my post, so I deleted it. I did say things that I needed to say to someone, but I know Ryan gets an earfull from work and home. Anyway, I got my venting out and today I deleted it just in case certain people were to have found my blog address. Last night we did come to an agreement though and we will see how long it lasts.
Work today was terribel again. There is a position available and I am not sure if I should interview for it or not. I really like the job that I am doing now and the hours I am working so i am not sure if I want to mess that all up; even if some of the people can be too much! The job is as a diet technician. Before you can be a diet tech you have to be a hostess, which I am now. Pat, my boss, needs to know who is interested in the position by the end of the week. It would be even more great experience for me, but as I said before I am a little shacky on changing times and everything. I would really like to be a supervisor eventually because then I could get better pay too. As a diet tech, I would get the same pay as a hostess though. Basicly, I have to weigh out my options!! Wish me luck!
Tonight after the crazy night that I had at work, Ryan called me and told me he was at the park with star and raider. By the time I got there it was already getting dark, but we were able to walk around and play for thirty or forty five minutes before it was too dark. Then, we spent about an hour trimming Star's fur because there was burrs everywhere!!! We gave both of them a bath and here I am now! Star's haircut looks hilarious though. At first Ryan just cut her legs so she looked like a watermelon with legs. I convinced him to cut more though and he cut her entire body more evenly, but left her head!! Now she has a mushroom head!! It cracks me up.
Bedtime for me now. I have things to catch up on and things to get ahead on for my big trip home!! See you soon!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Man of the house...

I got creative today and decided Raider needed a picture of himself as "Scarface". I figured the sunglasses were a nice finishing touch. As you can see, I have trouble filling my spare time.


When I got home from work, this is what Ryan had to show me. I guess I should have given him a list of things to do before I left so that he wouldn't be bored..just kidding. I just like giving him a hard time. Talk to you guys soon!


Happy Easter everyone! I really wish that Ryan and I could be there for this holiday, but hopefully we will be able to work something out for the summer. ;) I hope that it is a great day for all of you. Love you guys!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Yesterday was a pretty busy day for Ryan and I. We took his tire to Firestone to get it fixed, but had to doodle around until one when it was ready. Then we grabbed something real quick to eat, got back to the apartment, I changed and left for work. After work, I took a shower real quick and then went out. I was really jealous though all day at work because it was so pretty outside all I wanted to do was go layout by the pool and actually get a tan. But I had to get to work. Ryan got to lay out all afternoonn though....without sunscreen! He is just a Little red! ;)
This morning Ryan's tire is flat again so it looks like we will have to get it fixed again. This tire thing is reallly old!
We don't have big plans for Easter. We are going to get up to go to church and then I will probably try to cook something nice for lunch. Ryan was thinking of going to goto O'ma and O'pa's, but then decided he wanted to spend it with me instead of leaving me all alone. How sweet! Maybe I will go to the store before work today and get some easter eggs to dye! :) Have a great day. Happy Easter.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Flat tires

About three weeks ago Amber, my roommate had a flat tire and got it fixed. Well, it is still going flat and she has had it fixed three times now. It is flat again, so she is just going to get an all new tire this time. Anyhow, it is kinda suspicious now because in the matter of a month, AMber had a flat, Aaron(Ryan's roommate) had a flat, I had one and now Ryan's is flat today. Is it just that much construction around with that many nails? Or do we have more of a problem with someone personally? No matter which one it really sucks having to fix or change a tire once every week!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Sleeping in!

Here is my little sweetheart. Everyone knows that I don't have kids like Bill, Dee and soon to be John, so Raider is my baby. Sorry if I have a lot of pics of him! :) Anyway, this morning as soon as I woke up, he decided to stretch his legs...and everything else. I guess he got hot during the night because we haven't turned on the ac yet. Star was close by too. She was on a pillow looking out the window like the little princess that she is. Even though I was distracted by my dog and his unusual sleeping position, I was able to get dressed and get to class for my test. Now, i am off for the day and Ryan and I are going to run some errands together.

I wasn't able to get a good picture of Star this morning. She is really skidish and as soon as she saw me get up, she jumped from her position. This is a picture of Ryan and Star playing outside last Thursday. It was soooo pretty outside that we took them outside for about an hour just to play and run. If Quala or Randy are reading can see Star yipping because Ryan is asking "do you wanna play?" ...her little tail was going fast!

Monday, April 10, 2006


I have good news and bad news today! The good news is I can graduate in a year and a half more. It would be easier to do if I could afford summer school, but as you can tell from my tuition already, that is not an option. The bad news is my graduating in a year and a half is all dependent on the times that my classes are offered during the day. All of the rest of my classes have pre-reqs that I have to take, but all of my classes also are only offered in the fall or only offered in the spring. So, I am having a really really hard time trying to fix a schedule that won't require 18 hours while taking bio-chem or just right out kill me by trying to work and take that many classes! I might just decide to stretch it to two more years and add an aerobics class or something for fun. If I do finish in two more years, then I will only have two classes (6 hours) to take my last semester. Of course, then my thought is tuition is still going to kill me for that last semester with 6 hrs. Anyway, that is all about school for now. I went to an advisor for help on it and she pretty much told me everything I already knew-that is would be really hard to work it out in one and a half years. The only thing she could tell me to work on is to plan my schedules for the rest of my degree based on the times that the classes are offered this spring and next fall. If I can get it to work that way, then I might have a shot.

* Raider was giving me kisses is this picture!

Everything else is pretty good. I have a test tomorrow that I need to study more for tonight, but then I am off tomorrow by some miracle. Just as long as I don't get called in. Ryan and I are going to pick out a b-day gift for Shelby and then a baby gift for John and Melanie and just relax some probably. I will actually cook supper tomorrow though! I have been eating a lot better this week than I have been and feeling a lot better about school and work. I have been trying to get Ryan to eat better with me too. Most of the time I will be eating an apple with PB and just hand it to him. Sometimes he doesn't realize that I am trying to get him to eat more fruits and veggies and other times he knows what I am dong. He did make a comment about feeling better though! :) I will stop chatting now. It is time to get suited up for work.

I am posting a picture taht just happened as I was sitting her typing. Somehow Raider got to my bra! It reminds me a lot of Shelby!! ;) Love ya!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Oh my gosh...tuition!!!

Well, I had a wonderful day. I really didn't feel like doing much after I finished my government project, but it all turned out good. Work was actually pretty fun today and once again...I love it. The shocker was just now when I checked my account for next Fall's tuition and fees. I thought my last semester was really high, but I guess it can only get worse at this point. My tuition for Fall 2006 for only 14 hours is $3,364!!!! Can you believe that!!?? I am in total stun and disbelief right now. I was considering some summer school if I could find the extra money somehow, but with that tuition for the Fall.....I have to start saving now for it!
Ryan made me a birthday cake the other night. It was really cute. Thanks to mom, I am used to having a cake every year and I was kinda depressed this year when I didn't get one; even if we were in Vegas. He even decorated it!
.........I have been trying to open a picture and put it here, but our internet has been retarded all day here, so I will have to post those pics tomorrow! Night for now!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

So, today was another was of those rough days. I decided to sleep in this morning because I didn't really sleep well last night. Ryan and I went to Hobby Lobby to look at unfinished furniture and just crafts. Work was a LOT of fun tonight. Instead of delivering to two floors I had to deliver to three! I was soo tired by the time I got home. I really love my job, but lately it has been sucky because they are almost looking for reasons to fire people; even the hard workers who don't do anything wrong. So, I have been on tip toes all week and I dont't think it is going to end any time soon. We ate really great Mexican food tonight though at Abuelo's. Awesome fajitas! Ryan also ordered us some fantastic flan!! Upon returning to the apartment, we noticed my tire was low....well acutally only at 12 pounds! I needed a lesson in changing a tire and I guess I am going to get it sooner than I thought! Ryan and I are going to put on the spare in the morning and take the tire to the repair shop. I am elaborating tonight since I am waiting for 12:00 to hit to register for my classes next semester. All the classes I need are pre-reqs for my next semester and so on and so forth. Anyway, it is just important to get into these specific classes. I hope everyong else had a great Hump Day!! hehe

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Star says hi!

I was snapping pictures tonight while we were playing with the dogs just for fun and this one is my favorite one! I think she was just licking her lips, but it is too cute! Other than that, I thought work was going to be easy tonight because I had a tiny easy floor. However it turned out to be pretty rough. Then our dishwasher was acting up a lot so I didn't get home until 8:30-8:45. Ryan did decide to finally make me a birthday cake tonight. I had to help, but that is no big deal. I just really wanted one! :) Sorry this post is really quick, but I have to go help ice my cracked cake!! At least the looks of it won't change the taste!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

I had another day off today! Yeah! I mentioned to my boss one day that I am a better worker when I have two days off a week and I guess he got the picture! Ryan and I spent the whole day looking around for cheap furniture. I really just need a desk for my room, but other stuff for the rest of our house. Since I am used to walking around so much at work, I am not as tired now, but Ryan is complaining a little about his legs hurting! :) If you guys have any ideas though about a washer and dryer....we could use it! Anyway, other than that, we have started painting on canvas for our own art, thanks to one of my friend's ideas. Ryan is really good at it, but I have not caught on to the whole shadowing effect like he has. We also bought some scrapbooking tools for our Vegas pictures! I might be bothering Amanda pretty soon for some ideas!! Grey's Anatomy was good tonight too! I haven't been able to watch it for about two weeks so tonight was great!
Oh and there is a picture of Raider I just took today. His hair is turning really gray for some reason! I wish I knew why!!