Friday, June 27, 2008

I got a haircut!!!

For the past couple of months I have wanted a haircut and I finally got one today!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Apartment Pictures

I decided to put a couple of pictures of our new home on here. However, we still have boxes everywhere and pictures to hang so it is definitely not perfect! :) Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

With all the moving and bouncing between houses, I kinda forgot about my blog! Once we moved in with the parents for a month it was so crazy! Ryan and I thought we might have some time to just relax, but we soon realized that just sitting around twidling our thumbs does not work well for us. Just to sum up a little bit of what we did over the month: started painted Ryan's parents's house, painted mom and dad's office, took Raider to the vet three times (two in one day!!!), spent about a week ridding Raider of fleas, took trips to the beach and to the farm in La Grange. I will just stop there for now. I know for sure I am missing a bunch of stuff but I really cannot think clearly right now.

Now we are moved into our new home. It feels wonderful! I love my parents and Ryan's parents very much, but I am so relived to have a space of my own. I never realized how much I really need time to myself and a place to call mine until this past month. Kinda sounds like dad, right?? I better watch out!! Anyway, we are still in the process of unpacking and organizing so there is clutter evverywhere driving me crazy. Meanwhile I love having our dogs back!! For the first week Ryan and I painted accent walls and made trips back and forth moving, so it was not logical to bring the dogs. Yesterday was their first day home and you could literally see them smiling! Raider sniffed everything and Star was prancing around the place. So adorable! Immediately Raider found the spot on the bed by the window so when Ryan and I made to trip to unload the car, there was Star and Raider staring back at us from the third floor!! Terrible to say, but we actually arranged our room so that Raider could lay there and look outside! I am sure I will have many more stories to tell soon. As for now I need to unload the car while it has stopped raining.