Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Life After Lubbock

I am sure most of you were wondering if I made it home ok and am alive after graduation. Well, yes Ryan, Star, Raider and I have all made the move back to South Texas and are trying to settle in. There are so many things to get in order when you make a huge move like that!! Mostly, at the moment we are relaxing some and then tomorrow is my "business" day. I have internship stuff to take care of, information to mail and arrangements to make with iinsurance. Graduation was great. It still feels so unreal to me. I keep on thinking I am going to leave for Lubbock again in a couple of days. Plus I miss my friends already so I will really have to adjust to keeping in touch by email and facebook and then making friends through my internship too. At graduation, I didn't tell the family where I would be sititng and I didn't haev a cell phone with me so I had no idea where they picked to sit at in the huge arena. Well, I guess it was pretty obvious where they were when I was walking out and saw a sign that said "way to go Missy." Go figure that I would look at the sign and not even think it was for me, then I looked again and started laughing! Thanks again Sue for making a sign! That was so sweet of you and cool! There are many other stories I could write about right now, but I think I will sum it all up with pictures. Perhaps tomorrow I will type more for you.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Just packing!

Packing is all I have to do these days and it is great! Thursday I officially finished! Since then I have been catching up with lots of friends, being a designated driver for others and packing packing packing; plus taking Raider for walks on campus with Bailey and her dog. Today I met several friends on campus, we had lunch and then took pictures. I am going to miss campus. I am sure I will be talking to most of you soon and seeing you soon too, so I will keep this breif and just post some pictures from campus today. More packing to do, but I am excited to do it!