-Ryan and I wake up
- De-ice my car for about thirty minutes
-Drive to get new wiper blades
- Ryan drops me off at work
- Get to work, start making fruit plates
- Call from Ryan (he has NEVER called me at work)
- Start crying since I know it has to be bad
- Ryan has fallen on the ice in the driveway and hit heaad first on the way down
- Freak out some more
- Realize I don't have a car to drive home
- Borrow Meagan's car
- Drive home
- Ryan sitting on the chair
-Stay home the rest of the day to keep on eye on things
Does that sound eventful? I knew AS SOON as they said I had a phone call that something was wrong. I have worked there for a year and two months and never received a call from Ryan except on my cell. Luckily, his head was not as bad as I was thinking it would be. I mean since I found Dad when he hit his head, I was sure I was going to come home to blood and throwing up. Ryan was very lucky mostly since he did hit his head first and he does not have any symptomns of problems. He was wearing a snookie at the time so I am thinking that cushioned the fall more than we thought. Anyway, just in case Mom didn't call everyone just wanted to clue you all in on our day.