Thursday, December 11, 2008
Snow in Houston
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Today I spent a lot of time doing wedding things and then cleaning our apartment. The apartment needs some major TLC. I only got the bathroom done today: cleaned and organized. As I was flipping through magazines at the checkout counter last night though, I came across a couple of ideas. Tell me what you think...Please. Neither is perfect, but I was just playing with the pine needles that were here at the apartment.
Friday, December 05, 2008
FInals!! Finally!
Melanie, I will be calling you too after finals. I bought some pins for my hair. Plus I was going to talk to you about makeup and nails. Once class is done I am has just been hard to find time for phone calls.
Ryan only has ten more days of school!! Hooray! He has senioritis! I never thought I would see that in him because he is such a hard worker and a perfectionist when it comes to his school work. Well, he is just stressed and overwhelmed with school and work. Too much on his plate at once. He comes home tired and then has to hit the books. Only ten more days!
After Monday I will be open to any and all questions you may have about the wedding and/or Christmas with a smile on my face and a new found appreciation for vacation!!
Monday, December 01, 2008
Crunch Time
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Adding More to the To-Do List
Monday, November 10, 2008
It has been a busy couple of months!
I think this is why I have a huge bruise on my right elbow! I told Ryan I have a playing with Baxter at least one week before the wedding!
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Still Recovering from Ike
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Everybody Needs a Day Like Today
-Ryan and I move to Houston into out third floor apt. and are estatic!
-Notice the VERY strong smoke smell in our apt and decide we have to move.
-After waiting for a month to move, we finally do, but have boxes everywhere due to no time to unpack and settle in.
-Hurricane Ike hits.....
-Boxes everywhere plus water damage
-Maintanence comes TODAY! (one hooray) to fix the drywall. They rip out a lot of walls...
-Findings: TERMITES!!!
Surprisingly, I am cool with this and actually laughing at the random chain of events that have brought us to this point. Honestly, who would have guessed all of these weird incidences coming together!? Anyway, we are unsure if the apt. knows about it (they have a contractor doing the jobs) but if the contractor does not say something....we definietly are!!!
On to the great day.......Yesterday was terrible. Horrible test, LONG lecture, got singled out in class for talking(I was NOT even talking!!!!). I decided to check the tracking on the wedding invitatinos though and it said they were delivered here on Thursday. Funny because it is Monday and I have no invitations! After a little freaking out and frustration.....I have wedding invitations!!! That started the good day today. Then, class this AM was pretty interesting and Ryan called me with GREAT news......He got the job!!! My fiance has his first job in his career choice! I am soo proud of him and estatic!!! I was screaming on the phone when he told me(mind you I was in the computer lab)! Next news he tells me is they are working on our apartment. This is great news because we thought it was going to take them at least a month to get anything done and also because we miss our puppies SOOO bad. They are with the grandparents now until the apartment is fixed, organized and people are done coming in and out. Yeah!! Job and apartment!! Ryan was so excited about his job that we decided to go to the mall and actually order his wedding band. Check that off the list to do! We were so relaxed though we just walked around the mall, browsed around and enjoyed spending time with each other and not spending time studying. Is it bad that lately all of our "dates" have been study dates!!? It was great having an afternoon, just him and I, together and laughing about little things that are important to us. Sooo sweet too! We walked past Build a Bear and Ryan asked me if I wanted one. So, Ryan and I made a bear for me for night when Ryan sleeps on the couch or when we are apart. He is so adorable. Came home then to cook supper together and to our surprise, one of the movies I have been wanting to see came in on netflix. Sex in the city. Ryan offered to watch it with me too! So to end our magical day, we ate supper and watched sex in the city, the movie. He didn't finish the movie with me, but it really was a treat to have him all day to myself!
Fantastic day and I hope you all have a chance to spend a day like this with the one you care the most about! :) Now I have to get some sleep so I can think tomorrow while I am interning!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Shingles spread ALL over the property...gutters too. The one in the background isn't ours, but you will get to see ours in a later pic! I knew I heard something scratching and banging the side of our building. Apparently, it was the gutter coming loose!
One of many tress at our complex.
Every single tree in the courtyard behind out building was uprooted. Keep in mind, all of these trees were also newly planted and some were pine.
Another tree that did not make in through intact.
Uprooted...We are so lucky that we did not have any large trees around us. The only one close was about 15 feet infront of our bedroom window, but we were fortunate that it did not break or uproot!
This was our major problem of the night. Water was pouring into our apartment from around the windows. The office had a steady stream (not just drips) that you could hear. We really did think the window had a crack in it or that it was busted because so much water was coming from the top and the bottom. This picture is actually in the bedroom, where it was leaking from the same places, just not as severly as in the office.
Ryan and I usually park our cars in the same area that this car is parked in...this makes us so glad that we put ours in a parking garage! (Can you see that his back window is smashed out?) We are thinking that our gutter might have been the culprit.
That is all for now. I have some more pictures that are of Houston and then even a couple more of our apartment. Perhaps tomorrow I will give you more to look at, but right now I am exhausted, out of words and confused as to what is going to happen next. I am going to get started on my big project that is due Monday in case I do have class first. As far as the test that I am supposed to have, I will study for that once I know for sure. :) Everything is just up in the air.
Couple of things now: our power is still off at the apartment and the poor dogs literally were scared shitless(well pee-less). Be back soon! :)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Feels like starting from the beginning,..
Otherwise, our move went smoothly. The new place does not smell like smoke, in fact it smells like apartment. Ryan says he can smell different foods from previous residents or neighbors, but I think it is just an older apt. smell. There is a problem with this place though and we both knew that this could be an issue when we took a first floor apt.....loud neighbors. They seem to have about a three year old that uses the apartment as a race track (literally) until about eleven at night! On top of him, the parents stomp like I have never heard and are just inconsiderate it seems. Monday morning, a sleeping in day, we heard banging at 6:15 that continued until 6:20. It woke both Ryan and I up and the only thing we could figure out is that their washer was off balance and knocking. Grr it made us mad. I fell back asleep but Ryan was up for the day.
Wedding plans have reached almost a hault, as I expected. As it is I am stacked with homework and reading for school, so wedding planning has simmered down. There are some major things we still have to do and soon, but getting school and interning started was a major priority.
I guess basicly at this point everything is new to me: grad school, interning, and wedding planning. Hence, the title. I feel like I have started undergrad all over again and have those freshmen eyes!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Crazy Clutter
Monday, August 04, 2008
Long Five Weeks
It was an interesting night filled with cleaning up spaghetti and watching weather. Ryan and I picked up a couple of emergency items earlier in the day and then I came home to study. We are also dog-sitting right now to make things more interesting. Then comes the news of school closure so I decide to make spaghetti for supper. Ryan wasn't planning on eating any because he has not been feeling well, but I ws hungry for spaghetti! So, I made my plate as he was playing with the dog and then he grabbed his. As he was walking through the living room, talking silly to the dog, the spaghetti slid off the plate on all over the fresh carpet! Yuck! Oh I forgot to mention that we are transferring apartments too! There was lots of scrubbing and cleaning gong on over here tonight.
Back to the moving, that is due to the smoky smell. Yup, it has only gotten worse and Ryan and I are having health inplications from it. I am not willing to get lung cancer from smelling some other person's second hand smoke in MY home! More to come about this issue I am sure....
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
These past two days have gotten me really excited about the internship and my career. I can see how the internship will help put the information that I have to good use in the real world. That is really good since I thought the whole intership process was dumb in the beginning.
Back to my reading and assignments...night!
Monday, July 07, 2008
Becoming an Adult.....Still
The first order of business as soon as anyone wakes up is to releive their bladder, so I am no exception to that rule; however this morning was different.Going to bed last night, we did not realize that the toliet was clogged. First thing this morning, I found out it was clogged and completed the grown up task of plunging the toliet!! A first for me!! Grown up task #1 for the day....
Let me not forget to say that the second grown up task this morning was killing a roach! Yuck! Bonus for me because I did not wake up Ryan by screaming!
Lastly, the most important by far, today was my first day as a graduate student and intern. At the moment I am overloaded, exhausted, confused and I have not even walked into a hospital yet to get lost! The whole process seems overwhelming, but I am enthusiastic about all of it and can't wait for another day of information!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Apartment Pictures
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Now we are moved into our new home. It feels wonderful! I love my parents and Ryan's parents very much, but I am so relived to have a space of my own. I never realized how much I really need time to myself and a place to call mine until this past month. Kinda sounds like dad, right?? I better watch out!! Anyway, we are still in the process of unpacking and organizing so there is clutter evverywhere driving me crazy. Meanwhile I love having our dogs back!! For the first week Ryan and I painted accent walls and made trips back and forth moving, so it was not logical to bring the dogs. Yesterday was their first day home and you could literally see them smiling! Raider sniffed everything and Star was prancing around the place. So adorable! Immediately Raider found the spot on the bed by the window so when Ryan and I made to trip to unload the car, there was Star and Raider staring back at us from the third floor!! Terrible to say, but we actually arranged our room so that Raider could lay there and look outside! I am sure I will have many more stories to tell soon. As for now I need to unload the car while it has stopped raining.