Tuesday, May 16, 2006

It's been one of those days

Ryan really surprised me last night when he met me at the hospital. I was rushing home to watch Grey's but when I saw him, I forgot all about what I was rushing for! We made it home to watch, but luckily I taped it so I can watch the beginning that I missed. It felt so great to have a day off and spend it with RYan! I have not had a day off since last Monday and it felt fantastic! I didn't get any sleep last night though so I was a little of a grump. My stomach was bothering me plus I was just really excited to have Ryan here. So, we ran a couple of errands and went grocery shopping then cooked supper together, not without some irritations from the roommates. One of RYan's roommates used all of his dishes while he was gone and left food in them. So we couldn't cook at his apartment. OH yeah plus his roommate Curtis is creepy and I really don't like having to hang around here when he is home. My roommates were just being trashy again. Nothing new there. The great news of the day was when mom called me though to tell me that I had overdrawn my bank account at home! I flipped out since I had like $700 in it. So, after having to change my password three times just to see me internet banking info, I just found three postings that didn't even help me. But, after looking at my check duplicates, I noticed that I paid for April rent, May rent, and May rent! It is a long story, but I was glad to undertsand what I had done. The really irritating part was that I had overdrawn by two dollars!!! It makes me really mad at myslef then since I took ten dollars out when I was at home just to have for cash!! Grrrrrr to me!! So, after I cried a bit and got really pissed, now I am cool and about to watch a movie. So, all's well that ends well!!! Now I just have to check with the office tomorrow and make sure they counted one of my May checks as a June check!!! Have a great night! I hope everyone can laugh at my mistake! :)

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